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Published September 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Coralville, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Coralville DMV Power Operators Overview: The Iowa Department of Transportation is seeking bids for Power Operators for Entry Doors at the Coralville DMW Scope: Provide and install power openers at Coralville DMV location identified for entry and exits including electrical connection to all doors affected. Push buttons will be planned for framed walls or on to storefront metal framing. Award: It is the intent of the Iowa DOT to award the contract to the responsible bidder whose submitted quotation is the most advantageous to the Iowa DOT, cost and other factors considered. Other factors include, but are not limited to: Meeting or exceeding mandatory requirements, proposed staffing, and meeting required time schedule. Questions: All questions related to this project are to be submitted through the ION Wave Bid system on or before the cut off date and time as indicated in the solicitation. Question Deadline 09/12/2023 at 10:00 AM CT Start date - Coordinated upon award of contract. Estimated project end date- 11/01/2023 (This includes resolution to all punch list items, inspections and DOT acceptance typically used in construction bids). Contractor is required to provide all materials, equipment and labor for the removal and replacement of material as per plans/specifications outlined on the Line Item tab. This includes the disposal of all debris off site. Site Visits: A site visit is not required, but will be accommodated if needed prior to submitting a bid to ensure the vendor has access to view the job site. To schedule a site visit, contractors must contact the Purchasing Agent overseeing the bid at kyle.williams@iowadot.us with a date and time of when you want to conduct a site visit. Contractors will be required to bring their own equipment needed for the site visit. Davis-Bacon wages do not apply. If the contracted amount is $25,000 or more, the successful Bidder must furnish a performance and payment bond covering the faithful performance of 100% of the Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder. Iowa DOT will provide the Performance and Payment Bond Form 131070 upon contract award. Provide and install power openers at Coralville DMV location to operate exterior and interior customer doors in vestibule. The doors are shown in the photos provided with potential locations for the operators. a. Operator Plan (pg. 2) and attached photos (pg.3-6) for additional resources. b. Power Door Operator requirements (pg.7-9). The quotes provided should include all electrical work needed. Work to be completed during regular working days and hours M - F 8:00 - 4:30. Electrician to be commercially licensed. . The close date on #171 is 09/15/2023 at 1:00PM CST.




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September 19, 2023

October 19, 2023


2303 Jones Blvd, Coralville, IA

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