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Published November 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Window Replacement Phase 3 at the Quarry Hill Elderly Housing 667-3. Replace double hung and casement windows with new vinyl DH windows at buildings 1, 2, and Comm Bldg Bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the Contract Documents shall make a written request to the Architect Question Deadline 09/15/2023 The work under the Contract consists of: 1. Project scope applicable to buildings 1, 2, and community building only (see site plan for building locations). All other buildings are not part of this contract. 2. All existing windows to be demolished down to the window frame (as shown on detail sheets). This includes hardware and tracking for sashes. 3. For bedroom windows, existing windows to be demolished entirely down to studs (rough opening), where noted on Window Schedule. This in accordance with the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) Chapter 7 Section 702.5. 4. Note that building elevations shown are existing window conditions. All existing windows are to be replaced with double hung windows, unless noted otherwise (see Window Schedule). 5. Bidders are reminded that not every detail of construction can be shown on the drawings and that not every part of every assembly can be listed in the specifications. The owner assumes that bidders are experienced tradesman who estimate and supply all the required materials for their trades as having visited the site prior to bidding. 6. Protect all existing finishes to remain during construction. Contractor is responsible for repairing any and all existing finishes damaged during construction to the owner and architect's satisfaction. 7. All contractors are to field verify all existing conditions and dimensions prior to bidding. Any discrepancies are to be reported to the architect immediately. 8. Patch to match all existing finishes affected by this project, including but not limited to: existing finishes to remain (siding, masonry, gypsum wallboard, trim, etc.); existing landscaping; existing paving. 9. Provide and install new triple glazed argon filled (R-4.8) vinyl windows as shown. See window schedule for type. 10. Provide and install air conditioner sill supports (manufactured by same manufacturer as windows). Contractor responsible for removing, storing, and reinstalling all existing window air conditioners in new windows. 11. Demolish all existing vinyl shutters where present. See elevations for locations and field verify current conditions. 12. Remove and reinstall all existing interior window coverings. Types, styles, and installation methods may vary by unit. 13. All Work either shown on the drawings or included in the specifications unless specifically indicated as not to be done.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City






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September 22, 2023

October 23, 2023


81 Quarry Hill, East Longmeadow, MA

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