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Published October 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Woodbridge Township, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

On September 12, 2023, the Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC) will electronically randomly select from an appropriate pool of its pre-qualified consultants, a short list of firms who will be invited to submit a Technical and Fee Proposal CCE: $178,396.00 In order to be included in the random selection process, a firm must be pre-qualified by the DPMC in the following discipline(s) on or prior to September 11, 2023. Code Discipline P008 Elevator/Conveyor Systems Engineering Consultants shall also have in-house capabilities or Sub-Consultants pre-qualified with DPMC in P037 Asbestos Design, P038 Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring, and P065 Lead Paint Evaluation/Inspector. The objective of this project is to repair the elevator at the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center which has been out of service since September of 2021. The cause for the loss of the elevator was water damage directly related to the major storm named Ida. The storm flooded the main elevator room impacting critical components and systems and causing the loss of all elevator functions. The elevator is located at building one (1) central facilities The Consultant shall be a firm pre-qualified with the Division of Property Management & Construction (DPMC) in the following discipline(s): P008 Elevator/ Conveyor Systems Engineering The Consultant shall also have in-house capabilities or Sub-Consultants pre-qualified with DPMC in: P037 Asbestos Design P038 Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring P065 Lead Paint Evaluation/ Inspector As well as, any and all other Architectural, Engineering and Specialty Disciplines necessary to complete the project as described in this Scope of Work (SOW). Failure to pre-register for this meeting by the date and time specified above will exclude your firm from being permitted to submit a proposal. Consultants will be provided instructions for entering the meeting at a later date. Only those firms participating in the mandatory pre-proposal teleconference will be permitted to submit a proposal. Technical Proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee based upon the following evaluation criteria: 1. Firm/Team Organization/Sub-Consultants 2. Experience of the Firm, Project Team and Key Team Members 3. Project Approach/Understanding of Project 4. The Firms Approach to Maintaining the Project Schedule If a firm wishes to participate in the selection process for future projects but is not presently prequalified by the DPMC, the firm should submit a DPMC 48A, which may be found Electronically The Current Working Estimate (CWE) for this project is $ 243,384 The CWE includes the construction cost estimate and all consulting, permitting and administrative fees. The CWE is the Client Agencys financial budget based on this project Scope of Work and shall not be exceeded during the design and construction phases of the project unless DPMC approves the change in Scope of Work through a Contract amendment.


Jails / Prisons


Public - State/Provincial





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8 Production Way, Woodbridge Township, NJ

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