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Saving Project...

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Orono, Maine. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Requests for clarification and additional information must be emailed to the RFP Coordinator listed in Section 2 above by 10:00 AM on 9/22/2023. Such correspondence must reference the WIN and Project Title in the subject line. Responses will be posted to the Municipality's website by the close of business on 9/27/2023 . Late requests for clarification will not be accepted. Introduction & Scope of Work The Town of Orono (the Town), the City of Old Town (the City), and the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) are undertaking a feasibility study and preliminary design to identify ways to improve safety and accessibility for all transportation users in the Stillwater Avenue corridor from the intersection of Godfrey Drive in Orono to the Bennoch Road intersection in Old Town. Specific project objectives include but are not limited to the following: 1. Identify improvements to the existing signals, bike lanes, and sidewalks as appropriate to adequately accommodate all users and expand shoulder widths and pedestrian facilities on both sides of Stillwater Avenue and remove ADA barriers such as utility poles etc. in the pedestrian facilities; 2. Assess the necessity and feasibility of extending the bike and pedestrian facilities on the east side of Stillwater Avenue from Sylvan Road in Orono to Bennoch Road in Old Town. 3. Evaluate improvements to better the safety and mobility for all users at the intersection of Godfrey Drive and Stillwater Avenue, the intersection at the main entrance of the University Mall in Orono including lane designations throughout the study area addressing signal timing and coordination issues that contribute to traffic congestion. The consultant should consider one low-cost alternative such as signage and existing intersection timing, and two substantive built alternatives involving traffic modeling; 4. Identify bicycle and pedestrian deficiencies within the study area and recommend improvements; 5. Identify ways to improve safety, visibility, and efficiency of transit stops in study area; and 6. Evaluate access management efficiency and potential alternatives or improvements throughout the corridor. 7. Complete preliminary design work in accordance with the Maine DOT LPA Manual guidelines for the selected project scope. 8. All work must be coordinated with the scope of work included in a soon to be constructed highway improvements project at the intersection of Bennoch Road. Maine DOT WIN 022950.01 This project will address needed transportation improvements that reduce congestion, improve pedestrian and traffic safety, improve access to the University of Maine via Stillwater Avenue, compliment long-range land use planning goals, and align with economic goals for Orono while supporting its strong connection with the City of Old Town. This project will not only consider roadway safety and mobility issues, but also consider improvements to active transportation, micromobility, and transit.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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