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Published November 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Milton, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Reference Number 0000329535 The scope of this project generally consists of the resurfacing and reconstruction of the listed streets/roadways within the City of Milton. This project shall follow Georgia Department of Transportation Specifications. Question Acceptance Deadline 09/18/2023 05:00 PM EDT Questions are submitted online Yes The selected contractor must be able to start work within ten (10) calendar days after the "Notice to Proceed" is issued *The City of Milton reserves the right to reject any or all bid/proposals and to waive technicalities and informalities, and to make award in the best interest of the City of Milton. The City of Milton Public Works Department, (City), requests that interested parties submit formal sealed bids for the FY23 and FY24 Asphalt Reconstruction & Resurfacing Project. The scope of this project generally consists of the resurfacing and reconstruction of the listed streets/roadways within the City of Milton. FY23 Reconstruction and Resurfacing Reconstruction and Overlay - Longstreet Road starting at Hopewell Road and ending at the marked location approaching Belford Drive. o Asphalt levels will be 1.5" of 9.5mm and 2" of 19mm at a width of 24'. Use of an MTV is required on this road. o Cement Stabilized base will be 25' wide and 12" in depth. Cement will be mixed at 70lbs per SY. o Mailboxes shall be moved back prior to construction beginning. o Mill and Overlay to the marked locations on all roads connecting to this section of road. o Shoulder Rehabilitation at no less than a 3:1 slope tying in smoothly to existing grade. Mailbox pull offs will be built with millings as needed. o Mill asphalt from bridge deck and approaches a minimum of 50' in each direction. o Stripe as directed. Striping layout must be approved before temporary striping and permanent striping can be placed. - Hopewell Road starting at Longstreet Road and ending at the marked location at the city limits. o Asphalt levels will be 1.5" of 9.5mm and 2" of 19mm at a width of 25'. Use of an MTV is required on this road. o Cement Stabilized base will be 26' wide and 12" in depth. Cement will be mixed at 70lbs per SY. o Mailboxes shall be moved back prior to construction beginning. o Mill and Overlay to the marked locations on all roads connecting to this section of road. o Shoulder Rehabilitation at no less than a 3:1 slope tying in smoothly to existing grade. Mailbox pull offs will be built with millings as needed. o Stripe as directed. Striping layout must be approved before temporary striping and permanent striping can be placed. - Hickory Flat Road starting at asphalt seam at the new roundabout at SR372 and ending at the bridge at the City Limit. o Asphalt levels will be 1.5" of 9.5mm and 2" of 19mm at a width of 25'. Use of an MTV is required on this road. o Cement Stabilized base will be 26' wide and 12" in depth. Cement will be mixed at 70lbs per SY. o Mailboxes shall be moved back prior to construction beginning. o Mill and Overlay to the marked locations on all roads connecting to this section of road. o Shoulder Rehabilitation at no less than a 3:1 slope tying in smoothly to existing grade. Mailbox pull offs will be built with millings as needed. o Mill asphalt from bridge deck and approaches a minimum of 50' in each direction. o Stripe as directed. Striping layout must be approved before temporary striping and permanent striping can be placed. Collector Street Resurfacing and Patching - Bethany Way starting at the Hagood Road at the Hopewell Road roundabout and ending at the new asphalt seam at Hopewell Road. o Edge mill the entire project. o 3" Patching with 19mm at the marked locations. o 1.5 Topping with 9.5mm. o Use of an MTV is required on this road. o Striping with Thermoplastic striping to be placed as it was prior to construction. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o The Contractor will mill and top the asphalt irregularities in the entrance to Copper Sandy Cove to the marked location. - Old Bullpen Road starting at the asphalt seam at Cox Road and ending at the asphalt seam at the intersection of King Road. o Edge mill the entire project. o 3" Patching with 19mm at the marked locations. o 1.5 Topping with 9.5mm. o Striping with Thermoplastic striping to be placed as it was prior to construction. Residential Paving - Old Cedar Lane o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Stripe as directed. - Hickory Mill Subdivision off Hickory Flat Road. Hickory Mill Lane and Court o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o The asphalt speed humps are to remain. Mill appropriate butt joints. o Stripe as directed. - Reddstone Subdivision off Redd Road. Reddstone Close, Brickwood Lane, and Blackrock Trace. o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o Stripe as directed. - Arbor North Subdivision off Crabapple Road. Arbor North Drive & Lane, and North Court. o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o Stripe as directed. - Gates Mill Subdivision off New Providence Road. Gates Mill Way, Haley Pass, and McKenzie Trail. o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o Stripe as directed. - Lake Laurel Subdivision off SR9. Woodlake Drive, Wood Branch Court, Pine Branch Court, Pine Bough Court, and Wood Pine Court o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o Stripe as directed. - Crabapple North Subdivision off Freemanville Road. Freemanwood Lane, and Northern Oaks Court o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Curb and Gutter. o Stripe as directed. - Champions Close Subdivision from Hopewell Road. Champions Hills Drive and Champions hills Court. o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Stripe as directed. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Curb and Gutter. FY24 Reconstruction and Resurfacing o Freemanville Road starting at the asphalt seam and ending at the marked location at the city limits between School Drive and Mayfield Road. o Asphalt levels will be 1.5" of 9.5mm and 2" of 19mm at a width of 25'. Use of an MTV is required on this road. o Cement Stabilized base will be 26' wide and 12" in depth. Cement will be mixed at 70lbs per SY. o Mailboxes shall be moved back prior to construction beginning. o Mill and Overlay to the marked locations on all roads connecting to this section of road. o Shoulder Rehabilitation at no less than a 3:1 slope tying in smoothly to existing grade. Mailbox pull offs will be built with millings as needed. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o Stripe as directed. Striping layout must be approved before temporary striping and permanent striping can be placed. o Replace the 6'x40" loop and - Deerfield Parkway starting at the asphalt seam at SR9 and ending at the marked location at Webb Road. o Edge mill the entire project. o 3" Patching with 19mm at the marked locations o 1.5 Topping with 9.5mm. o Use of an MTV is required on this road. o Striping with Thermoplastic striping to be placed as it was prior to construction. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. - Dorris Road starting at New Providence Road and finishing at the asphalt seam at SR 372. o Edge mill the entire project. o 3" Patching with 19mm at the marked locations. o 1.5 Topping with 9.5mm. o Use of an MTV is required on this road. o Striping with Thermoplastic striping to be placed as it was prior to construction. - Richmond Glen Subdivision off SR 372. Richmond Glen Drive, Richmond Glen Circle, Virginia Glen, Wade Glen Court, Terrace Glen Circle, and Davis Glen Court. o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o Stripe as directed. - Highgrove Subdivision off Batesville Road. Gables Walk and Gables Run. o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o Stripe as directed. - Roads in the Avensong Subdivision. Silhouette Court, Aventide Lane, Aria Court, Avensong Village Circle, Avensong Crossing, Avensong Ives Way. o Edge Mill, 3" patching as directed and 1.5" overlay. o Remove and replace all marked sections of Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. Upgraded ADA ramps will need to be added as needed. o Stripe as directed.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 27, 2023

October 27, 2023


To Be Determined, Milton, GA

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