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Published September 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Flint, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Airport plans to contract with one consulting firms, for a period of five (5) years, for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) review and administration, Deicing Management and Monitoring review and administration, water quality sampling, environmental compliance services, and general oncall environmental services. Work will be authorized through Work Orders between the selected firm and the Airport. The selected firm may be required to coordinate efforts as necessary with the Airport's other consultants. As the airport is a recipient of federal funding through the Airport Improvement Program, the contract and all work orders will be subject to the appropriate Airport Improvement Program contract provisions as provided herein, and in Exhibit B of the draft Professional Services Agreement. The following draft scope of services describes the types of work that may be covered under the agreement with the successful consultant. This draft is provided to help prospective proposers seeking to submit their qualifications. Proposers may rely on the descriptions of the proposed scope of service only for the purpose of submitting their Statements of Qualifications. The ultimate scope of services will be developed between the Airport and the selected consultant. The projects identified in the scope of services may be subject to federal, state and/or local funding and Airport Authority Board approval is likely required prior to commencement. It shall be understood that some of the services related to the listed projects may not be completed and that the Airport reserves the right to initiate additional service not included in this procurement. The Airport reserves the right to conduct an additional Request for Qualifications at any time for services either listed or not listed in this scope of services. The Authority has engaged the Consultant to provide services to the airport for environmental compliance. Mutually-agreed upon project specific Work Orders shall be supplied and executed by both parties. Each such Work Order shall contain a Project Description, detailed Scope of Services, Project Schedule, Deliverables, Compensation Terms and other provisions or conditions specific to the Services or project being authorized. Any Work Order, when signed by both parties, shall be incorporated into and form a part of this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and any Work Order issued hereunder, the terms of the Work Order shall govern the provision of the particular Service The Bishop International Airport Authority, "the Airport", is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from interested and qualified environmental consulting firms for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) review and administration, Deicing Management and Monitoring Plan review and administration, water quality sampling, environmental compliance services, and general on-call services at Bishop International Airport for the next five (5) years. Assigned work will likely require Airport Authority Board approval prior to commencement and may be subject to federal, state and local funding processes. The term of the agreement for these services is expected to run for five years from the date of agreement execution with work expected to be accomplished based on Authority Board authorization. All questions regarding this RFQ shall be submitted in writing. All questions/correspondence shall be emailed to the Chief Operating Officer at cyeates@bishopairport.org. The deadline for filing questions is August 24, 2023 at 5:00pm.


Transportation Terminals

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 18, 2024


3425 W Bristol Rd, Flint, MI

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RFQ Professional Stormwater Pollution Prevention, Deicing Management, And Environmental Compliance Services

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