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Published October 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Monroe, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

a) Installation of signage at determined locations over the route as defined on the enclosed documents. Signage locations will be marked in the field by the County of Monroe (Owner) or their representative as agreed to at the pre-construction meeting. b) All permitting for this work from the Monroe County Road Commission and local Cities and Villages along the route have been obtained by the Owner. The Contractor shall follow all conditions of the permit in each jurisdiction. c) All work not otherwise specified shall be done in accordance with the Michigan Department of Transportation 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction. Within these specifications, all references to the Michigan Department of Transportation shall mean the County of Monroe (Owner). d) The Owner reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities from those originally estimated and such changes will be paid for at the unit price bid so long as the total contract amount is not changed more than twenty-five (25) percent. Changes in excess of that amount will be individually negotiated. e) The Contractor is responsible for protecting the life and health of all personnel on the project; the safety and health of the public; and property during the construction of the project in accordance with subsection 104.07.B of the Michigan Department of Transportation 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction. Prior to the commencement of work, the Contractor must submit a written "Construction Safety Program" that outlines the plan and procedures for preventing and mitigating accidents on the project and meeting all health and safety requirements of the contract. f) The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, work in progress and construction workers in the work zone through the implementation of procedures as described in this proposal, the MMUTCD, the Standard Specifications for Construction, and other applicable state and federal requirements. g) All work shall be conducted during normal daytime hours unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Normal daytime hours are considered to be Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. unless otherwise constrained by a local jurisdiction ordinance. h) For the protection of underground utilities, the contractor shall notify "Miss Dig" at 1-800-482-7171 or 811, a minimum of three working days, excluding weekends or holidays prior to excavating and otherwise fully comply with the provisions of Act 174 of 2013 and as amended. Miss Dig members will thus be routinely notified. This does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of notifying utility owners who may not be part of the Miss Dig system i) The low Bidder for the work covered by this proposal will be required to meet with the Owner's representatives to review the Contractor's proposed work schedule. The schedule for this meeting will be set within one (1) week after the low bidder is determined and notified. The Owner's representative will arrange the time and place for the meeting. j) All work shall be completed by the date indicated by the Contractor on the Proposal Form unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Owner to modify the completion date. The County of Monroe reserves the right to accept or to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities and to make an award that is determined by the County of Monroe to be in the best interest of the County. Questions concerning the proposal submittal, award and administration of the contract should be directed to: Michael Bosanac 125 E. Second Street Monroe, MI 48161 Telephone 734-240-7267 E-mail michael_bosanac@monroemi.org The project must be 100% complete by April 15th, 2024


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Site Work




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