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Published November 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in Northern Cambria, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the addition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

The Northern Cambria School District is soliciting bids for the Renovations and Additions to the Northern Cambria School District K-12 Consolidation Project. Bid Packages for this Work is: 1 General Construction 2 Fire Protection 3 Plumbing Systems Construction 4 Electrical Systems Construction. This project is subject to the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act. Any questions regarding access to the Bid Documents should be addressed to Jennifer Sariano jennifer.sariano@sitelogiq.com and Dewanna Laning at dewanna.laning@sitelogiq.com . Project Information This Project is a HYBRID Project with PRIME Contracts and GESA Contracts bidding at the same time. The CM project consists in building a new classroom addition, Gym addition (Alternate bid) and two vestibule additions. Also included is existing building renovation and sitework. General Construction includes but is not limited to: All sitework including modifications to the existing parking lots and a new parking lot, temporary fencing and site controls, site utilities and landscaping. Temporary partitions, doors, and ramp, select building demolition, caisson, concrete masonry and steel work, waterproofing and air barriers, metal wall panels. Roofing and windows for the new additions are included in this contract. The roofing and exterior windows for the existing building will be part of a separate GESA contract. All doors, frames and hardware, Aluminum entrances, windows, curtain wall, borrowed lites and glazing, partitions, ceilings, wall and floor finishes, painting, all division 10 items, tech ed, library and art equipment, casework, athletic equipment, stage rigging and curtains and window treatments are included. Fire Protection: Zone valve, fire department connection, piping, and appurtenances for a complete wet sprinkler system in Section 'H' shall be provided. New water vault with backflow preventer, meter and 6" fire main extended to water room by general contractor. The new fire protection system shall be sized for the entire facility as shown on Fire Protection Drawing Set. Provide main sprinkler main through the building per the documents. New sprinkler heads will only be installed in Section 'H' under the base bid and gym under the alternate. Assumption is that no fire pump is required, however hydraulic calculations will be required during the bidding phase. Plumbing for the Additions areas include providing toilet room fixtures (water closets, urinals, and lavatories) with low-flow fixtures; ADA upgrades, providing mixing valves, floor and roof drains, water hammer arrestors. Similar work for the renovation areas includes misc. toilet room fixture replacements and misc. sink additions. Electrical includes but is not limited to: Select site lighting shall be installed around new and existing parking lots. Installation of new duct bank for owner installed fiber optic cables. Tamper proof duplex and tamper proof ground fault circuit interrupter devices. Install devices for special equipment. Provide LED light fixtures throughout. Daylight harvesting and occupancy sensors will be installed. Select areas shall get new lighting controls and switching as shown on project documents. Base bid public bid prime electrical shall provide all fire alarm devices and cabling to be installed within area H first and second floor. Provide a new PA intercom speakers and clock with connection to existing headend equipment. There will be new classroom clocks. Provide Communications equipment basket tray, rack, and patch panels. Horizontal cabling with supports. Provide fiber backbone cabling. Installation of jacks and plate covers. The GESA Project consists of: The project consists of a classroom addition, gym addition and vestibule additions as well as site work and selective interior building renovations including toilet room and cafeteria renovations and finishes. General Construction, Sprinkler, Plumbing and Electrical will be bid as prime contracts. Mechanical renovations include misc. demolition of items within the school; pump replacements, replacement of boiler burners, extension of the hot water/chilled water distribution system to the addition; misc. equipment for the addition; select fan coil replacements; misc. exhaust fans and gravity roof ventilator. Controls - integrate controls for new items into the existing controls system. Testing and Balancing - balancing of air and water system of the school. Please email CM/PRIME requests for information to SitelogIQ: Jen Sariano at jennifer.sariano@sitelogiq.com Dewanna Laning at dewanna.laning@sitelogiq.com Questions will be accepted until end of day, Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 10 AM. All addenda, except addenda extending the bid deadline, will be issued no later than Friday, October 6, 2023. PLEASE NOTE: Northern Cambria School District K-12 Consolidation is a HYBRID Project. There is a separate GESA Bidding Event running concurrently with the PRIME Bidding Event. GESA BIDDING PROCEDURES - see Invitation to Bid Contractors are invited to submit ELECTRONIC BIDS through Procore for construction of the Northern Cambria SD Elementary School Addition High School Consolidation. SitelogIQ Energy Services, Inc. (SitelogIQ) is acting as the Prime Contractor under a Pennsylvania Act 39/77 Guaranteed Energy Savings Agreement with Northern Cambria School District. All work described herein is for subcontracts to SitelogIQ. The following is a list of the GESA Contracts: GESA Subcontract 1 - HVAC System Improvements GESA Subcontract 2 - Automatic Temperature Controls GESA Subcontract 3 - Testing & Balancing All proposals with attachments, including Bid Form, should be uploaded in PDF format into Procore no later than Tuesday, October 10, 2023 by 2 PM. All QUESTIONS will be communicated from Contractors in Procore using the Correspondence function in the bidding phase. All questions must be submitted using the Bidding Correspondence by 10 AM, Monday, October 4, 2023. All RFI's responses will be issued in Addenda. For general questions, please contact: Mike Kissinger - Mike.Kissinger@sitelogiq.com Chuck Levkulich- chuck.levkulich@sitelogiq.com Jen - jennifer.sariano@sitelogiq.com Dewanna - dewanna.laning@sitelogiq.com There will not be a public bid opening for GESA Contracts. A Pre-bid conference and site walk will be held. Bidders will meet at the lobby area and then proceed to the Auditorium at 601 Joseph Street, Northern Cambria, PA 15714, on Monday, September 25, 2023 at 4 PM. Please enter through the main secure entrance. A brief meeting will be held in the auditorium, followed by a site visit.




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Addition, Renovation, Site Work





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October 10, 2023

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601 Joseph St, Northern Cambria, PA

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Renovations and Additions to the Northern Cambria School District K-12 Consolidation Project

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