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Published September 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Ottawa, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000255720 Question Acceptance Deadline Sep 20, 2023 02:00 PM EDT An Electric Vehicle Charging Station Feasibility Study is required for each of the locations listed below. The successful consultant will provide a needs analysis to determine tenant fleet vehicles required, confirm existing power requirements and upgrades if required, review location options and provide a recommendation for best location including site drawings, schematic design, options and class D cost estimates for each location. As part of the investigation, consultant should review security requirements for the EV charging station both during construction and after installation is complete and provide recommendations. Fire risks and firefighting strategies should also be considered and facts presented within the study. The feasibility study will be produced in line with all requirements identified in the "SOW Electric Vehicle Ready Base-Building Feasibility Study" which has been attached at the end of this document starting on page 14. The study will consider all technical requirements identified within the "Electrical Vehicles Ready Base Building Technical Requirements" document attached to the end of this document starting on page 28. The consultant should not limit their investigation to the requirements identified within the attached scope documents, rather, these documents should be used to support the investigation and the final report and recommendations should be in line with all industry standards and best practices. An additional section should be added to the report to review commissioning requirements and ongoing administrative and technical support requirements including but not limited to: division of responsibility, testing requirements of both newly installed infrastructure and the units themselves, maintenance requirements and best practices, revenue collection practices, Open network protocols, user training and training for operations staff and current parking practices (space allocation, cost, etc.). As per OFI 14062 Conduct research on the appropriate training required for real estate property management team operation and maintenance only. As per OFI 14061 conduct research on the typical performance verification recommendations from 2-3 leading EVCS manufacturers and develop a performance verification scope based on typical industry standard requirements. The performance verification scope should indicate a required review with the successful contractor after award to determine if any modification is required. Locations: 1 - 451 Talbot St, London, Ontario (FMZ-1) 2 - 457 Richmond St. London, Ontario (FMZ-1) 3 - 4905 Dufferin St. Toronto, Ontario (FMZ-5) 4 - 494 Dundas St. Belleville, Ontario (FMZ-4) 5 - 15 Duke St. Kitchener, Ontario (FMZ-2) 6 - 45 Prince St. Sioux Lookout, Ontario (FMZ-9) Official bid documents must be obtained from www.bgis.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Service Station / Car Wash

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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