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Published September 12, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Cranbrook, British Columbia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This proposal has been updated to include sand removal services and acknowledges responsibility for any damage to school district property. 1. Equal Consideration: We ensure that both school and community bids are treated equally during the evaluation process. 2. Snow Removal Schedule: Timely snow removal, completed before 7 a.m., is paramount. We may opt to issue multiple contracts to guarantee prompt service. 3. Specific Bidding: Kindly indicate the sites you wish to bid on within the mentioned communities. 4. Sidewalk Maintenance: Some schools require sidewalk clearing. Details will be provided by Joe Tank or designate upon the award of tenders. 5. Equipment and Rates: Contracts will be awarded based on equipment types and hourly rates. Preference is given to equipment equipped with Broad Band Warning Devices. Please provide a comprehensive list of equipment along with their respective hourly rates. 6. Sand Removal: In addition to snow removal, sand removal services are required in the Spring. Include the cost for sand removal in your bid. 7. Damage Responsibility: The winning tenders will be held accountable for any damage incurred to school district property during snow and sand removal operations. 8. Reserve Rights: We reserve the right to accept the lowest or any tender submitted. 9. In the event that the awarded contractor is unable to fulfill any part of the requested duties in a timely manner, we reserve the right to request help from a contractor of our choice. 10. Sealed Tender Submission: Clearly mark your sealed written tenders as "Snow Removal Tender" and adhere to the submission instructions in the bid documentation. 11. Note: This proposal has been updated to include sand removal services and acknowledges responsibility for any damage to school district property



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 28, 2023

October 30, 2023


Multiple Locations, Cranbrook, BC

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