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Published September 12, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Okanogan, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Confederated Tribe of the Colville Reservation is seeking scope of work (SOW) and budget proposals for one conceptual design for a year round Steelhead kelt recondition facility that will transform an existing and on-going seasonal acclimation facility. Design proposals should follow recommendations as described in the Okanogan River Steelhead Kelt reconditioning plan (Attachment D). Proposals shall include a detailed SOW and deliverables, a timeline (schedule) and budget. Proposed budget needs to be broken out by task to include administrative management, site visits, conceptual design, iterative review process and any associated outside costs (e.g. TERO fees). Timelines (schedule) will need to include each task being met and duration (weeks), with an overall anticipated total project time. Proposals must include all items needed to complete this work (Section 3.02) on time and within budget, which must include required information that can be found in Section 3.03, plus any additional items that may have been inadvertently left out but would be needed to complete this project. About the Colville Tribes: The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation is a Sovereign Nation. Presidential Executive Order established the Colville Indian Reservation in 1872, with a land base of 1.5 million aces, located in North Central Washington State. The Tribes' Indian Country now includes various off-reservation trust land holdings. The Tribes' administrative Headquarters are located at the Colville Indian Agency Campus, approximately 2 miles south of Nespelem, WA with offices located throughout our reservation. Tribal business hours are Monday thru Friday 7:30 and 4:00 p.m. excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Tribal and Federal holidays. Response Format: Proposals should be prepared simply, providing a straightforward and concise delineation of the Contractors approach and capabilities necessary to satisfy the criteria listed in Section 3. The proposal may not be longer than 30 pages, single-spaced with no less than 12-point font. Emphasis in the proposals should be on completeness, clarity of content, and adherence to the presentation structure required by this RFP. Contractors that deviate from the required format may be deemed non-responsive. Completeness of Proposal The Contractor must submit a completed Proposal signed by a Contractor representative authorized to bind the proposing Contractor contractually. The Contractor must identify on the form any exceptions the Contractor takes to the Tribes RFP, or declare that there are no exceptions taken. Site Visitations A site visit is not required. By submitting his/her proposal, the Contractor acknowledges that he/she has satisfied him/herself as to the nature of the work requested. Questions Regarding the RFP Requests for interpretation/clarification of this RFP must be emailed to wesley.tibbits@colvilletribes.com. Unauthorized contact with other tribal employees regarding this RFP may result in disqualification. All oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the Tribes. All questions must be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m., PST, September 28, 2023. All responses will be posted on the Tribes' web site Retainage/Performance Bond Any contract negotiated in response to this RFP will require either a 25% retainage or a performance bond. Scope of Work The Confederated Tribe of the Colville Reservation are planning to recondition Steelhead kelts at an existing Steelhead juvenile acclimation facility located near Omak, Washington on the Colville Reservation. The Tribe is looking for at a minimum 30% design with drawings for this retrofitted facility. Drawings must be in AutoCAD 2020 or newer version. The current facility includes two 20' circular tanks with supply lines for both well and surface water plus drains for both water and fish built into a steelhead building. Drawings for this RFP will not only include the existing infrastructure but the addition of kelt facility infrastructure that will include at a minimum; installation of Two (2) 8' circulars and up to (6) new modular holding or quarantine tanks roughly 4-foot circular, a degassing tower, radon diffuser, and all needed plumbing upgrades to ensure all kelt facilities can be operated from the existing well water system. Additional upgrades to existing electrical, HVAC, and automated alarm system will also be needed. An additional space for chemical storage should also be considered within the conceptual design. Please see Attachment D existing acclimation facility and kelt recondition plan for more information. A cost estimate for each component will need to be provided with contact information for vendors and suppliers. A detailed set of scale drawings for all existing and new plumbing and electrical including a detailed budget for all equipment and salaries. Existing Steelhead acclimation facility overview and overall site plan can be found in Attachment E. Further documentation will be provided to the awarded contractor including detailed existing water lines, electrical, hydraulic profile, old and current site schematics and pump specs. All designs will need to meet all Federal, State and local codes. General, environmental control, civil, structural, electrical, and mechanical drawings will need to be included. A comment and review period will also be necessary either in person or via web-based meeting. Any further requirements can be found in section 3.03 Required Information


Water / Sewer

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 14, 2024


Multiple Locations, Okanogan, WA

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