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Published November 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for an educational facility in Olympia, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.

Description: The Evergreen State College, is seeking a propsal from a qualified firm to design and install a commercial solar photovoltaic energy installation m the summer of 2024. The college requests one quote with a maximum cost of $247,000.00 dollars. The design services required for this current project include, Architectural and Electrical. The new system will be sited on the Recreational Pavilion's south facing upper roof. Located at 420 Driftwood Rd NW, Olympia, WA 98505. ' A structural load assessment has been provided to potential bidders for array rack design. An electrical load assessment is to be preformed as part of the design/ build services to confirm circuit capacity. Metering is required to confirm system performance, utility metering is not a requirement, and connection to the buildings sub-meter is preferred. The Evergreen State College", and "Projects Bidding", Bidders are required to register as a bidder to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the bidders list at Builder's Exchange. This service is provided free of charge to prime bidders, subcontractors, and vendors bidding this project. The selected Contractor will work collaboratively with Facility Services and the Clean Energy Committee through the design and construction phases. Proposals must include the following: A solar production estimate. o Provide descriptions of warranties and support that ensure the long-term durability, operation, and maintenance of PV installations. o Describe any system monitoring capabilities or production gauges included. o Manufacturer's specification sheets and warranty information for each major piece of equipment. o Describe the training the firm provides the host including materials or manuals, customer care books, and/or support for later questions and system performance. Qualification Requirements: Contractors will be considered for selections based, upon the following criteria categories: (1) Relevant Experience of Personnel to be used on this project (100%), (2) Registered with the appropriate Business License division of Thurston County (100%), (3) Proven successful experience in the design and installation of similar projects. (100%), (4) Previous Performance of the firm (100%). (5) Quality and warranties of proposed equipment. The Evergreen State College has established voluntary MWBE Goal of 10% MBE and 8% WBE. Submittals shall include a cover letter, no more than twelve (12) single-sided-pages responding to the criteria categories, up to three (3) letters of recommendations (no more than 6 pages), and submittals will be accepted until 2:00pm on September 27th 2023. Product cut sheets and sample warranties should be attached to the submittal and will not be included towards the total page count. Faxed copies will not be accepted. This is a request for a design/ build proposal. The select committee will review proposals and choose the most highly qualified firm for the services required. The Evergreen State College assumes no obligations for expenses incurred by any respondent to this solicitation. Direct questions to J. Marshall Urist at marshall.urist@evergreen.edu




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September 27, 2023

May 27, 2024


420 Driftwood Rd NW, Olympia, WA

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