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Published September 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Maquoketa, Iowa. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Every year, property owners in Maquoketa are required to perform snow removal within the guidelines set forth in the City Ordinance. When failure to adhere to this ordinance occurs, the Maquoketa Police Department is the department in charge of enforcement. In some situations, a property owner may choose not to comply with the ordinance, and it is the responsibility of the City of Maquoketa to bring the sidewalk into compliance. When this happens the City of Maquoketa utilizes private contractors and requests bids for properties receiving snow removal abatements from contractors that can be utilized during this years' snow removal season. If awarded, snow removal contracts will apply to the 2023-2024 winter season. Any questions about the bidding process for these projects may be directed to the Public Works Director at 563-652-4628. The City reserves the right to reject all bids, quotes, either all or in part, waive informalities and make a decision that best suits its application. Please keep in mind that sales tax does not pertain to municipal work and should not be included in your bid. The City Council may award the bid at the council meeting on Monday, October 16, 2023 References: Unless the bidder is already known to us, the City reserves the right not to award the contract to any bidder who does not furnish evidence of prior relevant experience and current capabilities, including manpower and equipment necessary to enable them to pursue the project and to successfully complete the work in the time allowed to complete the project(s). Snow removal at abatement properties will be on an as needed basis. Winning bidder must respond to City Hall's Abatements request within 2 hours unless otherwise agreed upon by city manager. Notice will be given between 7:00 AM and 4:30 PM between Monday through Friday 1.Contractor will be responsible for removing all snow and ice accumulations from sidewalks and meet the 4 feet width specifications for the property address. Contractor may use a variety of methods including, but not limited to; shoveling, snow blowing, ice melt, etc. Contractors are not allowed to use small equipment such as skid loaders which would cause damage to the areas adjacent to the sidewalk. 2. The City of Maquoketa will not entertain the option of a fuel surcharge for the duration of any snow removal contract. 3. Unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon, any damage done by a contractor to public property will be deducted from the contractor's bill to pay for repairs. 4. If the contractor has concerns that property damage has been done by others, a request to have City staff inspect the damage before commencement of snow removal shall be made. This shall be done by calling City Hall to request that City staff be dispatched to inspect suspected damages. 5. The City and the Contractor both reserve the right to terminate this contract with a 30-day notice. However, the City reserves the right to terminate this contact immediately if, after THREE (3) WARNINGS, the contractor does not comply with the contract per the specification set forth with in this bidding document. 6. If, upon arrival at job site, it appears that the snow removal was performed by another party and meets guidelines, the Contractor must immediately contact Public Works to confirm whether to proceed further. If the snow removal situation has already been satisfactorily addressed the contractor will not be paid. t is required that the Contractor take before and after pictures of each job site.




Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 28, 2023

October 30, 2023


Multiple Locations, Maquoketa, IA

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