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Published September 29, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Alameda, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

This proposal is for the upgrade of the existing Fire Alarm Monitoring devices, panels, and monitoring system at Buildings 4, 21, 22, and 42. System devices and software must be compatible with possible future additions of other buildings to reporting system. Provide, install, and program four fire panels (in four separate buildings) using fiberoptic communication with Building 3, which will be configured to an existing data hub, from which a CAT-6 cable with be connected to a laptop-based reporting system at Building 3. TASKS All new alarm panels will monitor each building's fire/trouble alarms, be able to operate in 'walk test' for fire alarm testing, have battery back-up in case of loss of power to the panel, and report through fiberoptic communication with Building 3 (Security Main Control). In Building 3, the reporting system will be equipped with software displaying operating parameters/building device status on a laptop that is Windows compatible, at Main Control, and inside of the building. Additionally, a 2 KV UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) will be installed to support each data hub at Buildings 3, 4, 21, 22, and 42, in case of a power loss to the data hub. Proposal must include: 1. Design 2. Basic layout drawings, with Cut Sheets 3. Project Management 4. Material listed 5. Installation 6. Programming 7. Physical/Digital Map of new devices 8. One (1) Pretest and Final 9. Training (Train the trainer class provided for the end user) 10. Warranty (New equipment only) Materials/Equipment List: Quantity Description 1 Fire Alarm Facility Management System (Laptop) 2 Associated Software (preferably open source) 3 27" Monitor 4 Mouse/Keyboard 5 (1) 6U Data Rack 6 (5) 2 KV UPS (for Data Hubs/switches) 7 CAT-6 Cable 8 (4) Alarm Panels 9 Approximately 55 Heat Detectors 10 Approximately 20 Duct Detectors 11 Approximately 36 Pull Stations 12 Approximately 4 Door Relays 13 Approximately 230 Smoke Detectors 14 Approximately 100 Horn/Strobes GOVERNMENT FURNISHED INFORMATION Listed Buildings for the panels/reporting device: BLDG - 3 Security Main Control BLDG - 4 Galley Mess Hall BLDG - 21 ISC Admin ESU BLDG - 22 Exchange BLDG - 42 Supply Warehouse GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIAL Overhead view of each building 120VAC to power supply Fiberoptic connection between buildings Data Hub bridging TECHNICAL POINT OF CONTACT DESIGNATION Primary POC for this task is: Mr. Julio Leto, CIV, USCG Office: (510) 437-5644 Cell: (510) 282-6351 E-mail: julio.s.leto@uscg.mil CONTRACTING submit all quotes and contracting questions to: SKC Joseph Perez E-mail: joseph.a.perez@uscg.mil




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September 28, 2023

October 27, 2023


Multiple Locations, Alameda, CA

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