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Published October 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Addition to an educational facility in Elmwood Park, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the addition of a 22,946-square-foot educational facility.

Construction Management Services for Elmwood Park Elementary Schools. 1. Addition and Interior Renovations at Gantner Avenue Elementary School Proposed is an 8,102 square foot addition to the existing elementary school located on the northwestern corner of the building closest to Banks Street. The program spaces are to include four pre-kindergarten classrooms with single use ADA compliant toilets, small group instruction classroom, storage rooms, electrical / IT room, 2 ADA compliant faculty toilets, and corridor / lobby. It will be proposed that the building structure is to be designed to accommodate a future second floor should the district require additional expansion in the future. The existing parking and circular access drive will be reconfigured to provide additional parking at the completion of the project. 2. Addition and Interior Renovations to Gilbert Avenue Elementary School Proposed is a 6,744 square foot addition to the existing elementary school located on the southwest corner of the existing building closest to Gilbert Avenue. The program spaces for the addition are to include four pre-kindergarten classrooms with single use toilets, storage room, electrical / IT room, and corridor. The existing multipurpose room stage will be renovated to allow access to the addition once the project is completed. In addition, a small group instruction classroom will be provided in the location of the renovated existing stage. 3. Addition and Interior Renovations to Sixteenth Avenue Elementary School Proposed is an 8,100 square foot addition to the existing elementary school located on the northwest corner of the existing building closest to 14th Avenue. The program spaces for the addition are to include four pre-kindergarten classrooms each with an ADA compliant single use toilet, 1 kindergarten classroom with an ADA compliant single use toilet, storage room, electrical / IT room, mechanical room, and corridor. One existing kindergarten classroom will be renovated to allow an access corridor into the proposed addition. In addition, a small group instruction classroom will be provided in the location of the existing kindergarten classroom. The scope of services for this project will include, but is not limited to; document review, review of budget, master scheduling, value engineering, construction logistics, phased construction planning, facilitate the procurement process, provide full-time field coordination, oversee all construction contractors in the field, status reports to the Owner, review the safety programs of the trade contractors, track and review permits, approvals and testing, coordinate the Owner's occupancy requirements, coordinate all closeout documentation. III. Scope of Services. Appendix B Project Timeline (approx.): October 17, 2023 Elmwood Park BOE approved Construction Manager November 13, 2023 Construction Documents available to be picked up January 5, 2024 Elmwood Park BOE receives bids January 2024 Elmwood Park BOE awards Project February 2024 All sites available to mobilize August 1, 2025 Substantial Completion - TCO received September 30, 2025 Final Completion including all punchlist and closeout documents. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any submission when it is considered to be in the best interest of the Owner




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Multiple Locations, Elmwood Park, NJ

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Construction Management Services for Elmwood Park Elementary Schools

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