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Published October 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Beatty, Nevada. Completed plans call for the demolition of a water / sewer project; for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Beatty Water and Sanitation District, on Behalf of the Town of Beatty, State of Nevada, (Herein Called the "District") Invites Bids for the Beatty Water Storage Tanks Recoat Project, Located in Beatty, Nye County, Nevada. The Project Consists of Removal and Replacement of Interior Coating Systems in the 250,000-gallon Indian Springs Bolted Steel Water Storage Tank and a New 40,000-gallon Bolted Steel Water Storage Tank at the Ew-4 Booster Station, Temporary Storage and Bypass Piping, Demolition of the Existing Bolted Steel Water Storage Tank at Ew-4 Booster Station and Disinfection and Testing of the Recoated Tank. The Temporary Water Storage Tanks and Above-ground Bypass Piping Will Require Sampling and Bacteriological Testing Prior to Placing the Temporary System Online. Tie-ins to Existing Site Piping Will Also Be Required, Alternate Bid Items Include Replacement of Interior Coating Systems in the 250,000-gallon Middle and South Welded Steel Water Storage Tanks Bypass Piping, Temporary Storage, Tie-ins to Existing Piping and Testing. The Bidder Must Include Cost to Comply With the Requirements as Stated in Section 2.11 "Description of Work. The goals for minority and female participation are identified in the Contract Documents and range from 1% to 2% for construction, equipment, services and supplies. Executive Order 11246, Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications, apply to this Project. The DISTRICT will not enter into a Contract with Bidder who is not registered and active on SAM.GOV and can provide a DUNS Number and CAGE Code. All Contractors, Sub-Contractors, materials and service suppliers must be registered in the U.S. Government System for Award Management (SAM) and remain active throughout the Project.The District will not award the Contract to a Bidder who, at the time of submitting a Bid, was not properly licensed under the provisions of Chapter 624 of NRS or if the Contract amount would exceed the limit of the Bidder's license.Effective January 1, 2020, Nevada Senate Bill 207 (2019) requires a contractor or subcontractor engaged on a public work to employ one or more apprentices for a certain percentage of the total hours of labor performed on the public work, depending on the type of work performed. This requirement applies to any and all public works projects where prevailing wage requirements apply and where bids are opened on or after January 1, 2020. Senate Bill 207 requires that a contractor or subcontractor engaged in vertical construction who employs workers on a public work, as defined in NRS 338.040, shall use one or more apprentices for at least 10% of the total hours of labor worked for each apprenticed craft or type of work to be performed on the public work for which more than three workers are employed. The bill further requires that a contractor or subcontractor engaged in horizontal construction who employs workers on a public work, as defined in NRS 338.040, shall use one or more apprentices for at least 3% of the total hours of labor worked for each apprenticed craft or type of work performed on the public work when more than three workers are employed. All contractors and subcontractors shall comply with Nevada Senate Bill 207 and the apprenticeship utilization provisions of NRS 338. Project funding being provided in whole or in part by the Owner and the State Revolving Loan Fund Program


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Demolition, Renovation, Site Work





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