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Published September 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a military facility in White Bird, Idaho. Completed plans call for site work for a military facility.

Demolition of existing vault toilets and installation of new government-provided vault toilets Period of : 10/02/2023 to 05/31/2024 Price Range. $25,000 - $100,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. General The following work items will be included in the overall project: Decommission and disposal of (2) existing toilet structures, prepare for new pre-cast single vault concrete toilet, coordinate delivery schedule with manufacturer, and complete installation of two pre-cast concrete vault toilets. # NAME REMOVAL TYPE REPLACEMENT TYPE PUMPING REQUIRED 1 Meadow Creek CG Concrete Vault Concrete Vault Yes 2 North FK Slate Creek CG Wood Vault Concrete Vault Yes Work Description by : 1. Meadow Creek Campground - Work includes removal of the existing concrete single vault toilet structure, removal of any concrete materials and removal of any other materials so a new toilet can be delivered and placed in the same . Work would include pumping the existing toilet unit of any waste materials prior to removing the vault; dismantling and removing the concrete single vault toilet unit; installing erosion control, preparing the excavation area for the new vault toilet including a level subgrade; coordinating the schedule and delivery of the new concrete vault toilet with manufacturer and finally backfilling and finishing work after the vault toilet is delivered and placed in the . Final vault installation work shall include any required excavation work to accommodate the new unit, setting the new unit, backfilling after the unit is set, and construction of gravel apron and concrete entrance pad. When all installation work is complete, remove erosion control, and complete final dressing of to remove evidence of excavation work. 2. North Fork Slate Creek Campground - Work includes removal of the existing wood frame single vault toilet structure, removal of any concrete materials and removal of any other materials so a new toilet can be delivered and placed in the same . Work would include pumping the existing toilet unit of any waste materials prior to removing the vault; dismantling and removing the wood frame toilet unit; installing erosion control, preparing the excavation area for the new vault toilet including a level subgrade; coordinating the schedule and delivery of the new concrete vault toilet with manufacturer and finally backfilling and finishing work after the vault toilet is delivered and placed in the . Final




Public - Federal

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September 26, 2023

October 2, 2023


Multiple Locations, White Bird, ID

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