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Published January 22, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.
Parkhouse Roof Replacement Project. The sufficiency of the Bidder's best and good faith efforts shall be in the sole discretion of the Owner. There will be a rebuttable presumption that best and good faith efforts are met when the Bidder makes commitments within the goal participation ranges. The goal participation ranges for this project are: womenowned businesses five percent (5%) to ten percent (10%); minority-owned businesses five percent (5%) to ten percent (10%); other diverse and/or disadvantaged businesses five percent (5%) to ten percent (10%); and local businesses best and good faith efforts. Scope:- The project includes the replacement of approximately 60,000 square feet of roofingat Parkhouse Hall on the campus of the Montgomery County Community College. Theexisting EPDM roof is to be removed to the deck with a newinsulated EPDM roof systeminstalled. New sheet metalwork shall be installed, andthe existing roof drains areto be removed and replaced.Masonry walls to be recoated.Alternate bids include a roofmembrane material upgrade. Parkhouse Hall, 340 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Question Deadline 01/17/2025 at 5:00 PM ET All questions shall be submitted in writing via the PennBid Online. Bid responses must be accompanied with Bid Securityin the amount of 10% of thebid, and the following formsin accordance with the Instructions to Bidders: NonCollusion Affidavit, Owner'sCertification of ResponsibleContractor Status form, Economic Opportunity Plan, Solicited Diverse Supplier Form,and resume and references.Owner exercises their rightfor in person interviews uponreview of resume and references prior to awarding Bids The College reserves the right to waive any informalities or to refuse any or all the bids. This project is subject to the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Law. The goal participation ranges for this project are: womenowned businesses five percent (5%) to ten percent (10%); minority-owned businesses five percent (5%) to ten percent (10%); other diverse and/or disadvantaged businesses five percent (5%) to ten percent (10%); and local businesses best and good faith efforts. 1. General: a. Contractor shall be responsible for following all applicable OSHA, and site-specific regulations including but not limited to, Lock Out/Tag Out Procedures, Confined Space Requirements, Burning Permits, MSDS Requirements, etc. b. The contractor shall work with building personnel to minimize odors from infiltrating the building by coordinating when working around air intakes. Prior notice is required to manage the airflow within the building, and the contractor shall inform the Building Management Team upon completion of work for the day. c. Contractor shall coordinate all staging and site setup with building personnel prior to commencing work. d. Site specific logistical requirements will be discussed during the pre-bid meeting. Staging and material laydown areas, dumpster storage, etc. will be in the areas designated at preconstruction meeting. e. Unless otherwise noted, contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, temporary protection, and other facilities and services necessary for proper execution and completion of the work as required by the contract documents. f. Contractor shall be responsible for a complete site clean-up at the end of each workday. g. Contractor shall include 100 square feet of concrete deck replacement in the Base Bid. Unit prices shall cover any additional or lesser deck replacement. Unused quantities of deck replacement will be credited back to the Owner based on the unit cost found on the bid form. h. Contractor shall include 250 square feet of concrete deck repair in the Base Bid. Unit prices shall cover any additional or lesser deck replacement. Unused quantities of deck replacement will be credited back to the Owner based on the unit cost found on the bid form. i. Contractor shall include 750 lineal feet of wood blocking replacement in the Base Bid. Unit prices shall cover any additional or lesser deck replacement. Unused quantities of wood blocking replacement will be credited back to the Owner based on the unit cost found on the bid form. j. Contractor shall include 100 square feet of masonry patch pointing in the Base Bid. Unit prices shall cover any additional or lesser insulated drain piping replacement. Unused quantities of insulated drain piping replacement will be credited back to the Owner based on the unit cost found on the bid form. k. Contractor shall include 240 lineal feet of insulated drain piping replacement in the Base Bid. Unit prices shall cover any additional or lesser insulated drain piping replacement. Unused quantities of insulated drain piping replacement will be credited back to the Owner based on the unit cost found on the bid form. l. All work areas shall be secured in a watertight condition each day before the contractor vacates the site. There will be no exceptions. m. Contractor shall be responsible for proper disconnection and reconnection of all roof top equipment, as necessary. This shall include but not be limited to, mechanical equipment, gas piping, etc. 2. BASE BID: Roof Areas #1, #2. #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #14 (Black 90 Mil EPDM) a. Roof Areas #1, #2. #3, #4, #5, #7, #8 b. Contractor shall remove and properly dispose of the existing single-ply roof system, insulation, and all trim down to the existing concrete roof deck. c. Contractor shall furnish and properly install all necessary wood blocking to accommodate new insulation heights of the specified roof system. All wood blocking to be installed in accordance with FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49 and industry standards and guidelines on wood blocking construction and attachment. FM Global ("FMG") publishes recommendations only for concrete, masonry, and steel decks in the Loss Prevention Data Sheets. d. Contractor shall furnish and properly install all new specified drains. Existing drains to be replaced throughout all roof areas by a certified plumber. New drains and any exposed piping to be properly insulated as specified. All roof drains and first 10 feet of piping are to be water tested prior to removal of existing roofing system and tested after the new roofing system is installed All designated drains (See Drawing) to have a 32' square sump to promote positive drainage. All other drains are to have a 16' square sump to promote positive drainage. e. Contractor to patch point, re-caulk all joints, prime, and coat as specified the rising masonry walls on Roof Area #1. f. Contactor shall furnish and properly prime the existing concrete deck and conduct a low rise foam adhesion test as per Manufacturer's instructions to assure proper bonding of the first layer of insulation. g. Contractor shall furnish and install the new specified base layer of 3" polyisocyanurate insulation in manufacturer's approved low-rise foam or mechanical fasteners and plates for metal deck area. h. Contractor shall furnish and install the new specified second layer of 2.5" Secureshield HD composite insulation in manufacturer's approved low-rise foam. i. Contractor shall furnish and properly install all specified drain sumps, and tapered edge as necessary to provide positive drainage to all internal drains. j. Contractor shall furnish and properly install the new specified black 90 Mil EPDM singleply membrane in specified bonding adhesive as per manufacturer's most recent guidelines. k. Contractor shall furnish and install all roof system accessories including but not limited to all flashings, vent stack boots, expansion joints and all sheet metal components. l. Contractor shall furnish and properly install all new sheet metal components including but not limited to coping, fascia, slip flashings, and specified metal components of the roof system as per manufacturer's most recent guidelines. Perimeter edge metal components and copings shall be pre-manufactured systems. m. Contractor shall supply a thirty (30) year manufacturers NDL warranty with 90 MPH wind rider and supply a two (2) year contractor warranty all from the date of substantial completion. n. Roof Areas #6, #9, #10, #11, #12, #14 o. Contractor shall have roof areas infrared scanned by a Level 1 Thermographer prior to work. Roofing Resources Inc. can provide this service. p. All areas of suspected wet insulation to be removed and replaced in kind. Contractor shall include 200 square feet of wet insulation replacement in the Base Bid (assume 5.2 inches). Unit prices shall cover any additional or lesser wet insulation replacement Unused quantities of wet insulation replacement will be credited back to the Owner based on the unit cost found on the bid form. q. Contractor shall slice existing roof membrane every 5 feet as per manufacturers most recent requirements for retro fitting a second roof system. r. Contractor shall furnish and properly install all necessary wood blocking to accommodate new insulation heights of the specified roof system. All wood blocking is to be installed in accordance with FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-49 and industry standards and guidelines on wood blocking construction and attachment. FM Global ("FMG") publishes recommendations only for concrete, masonry, and steel decks in the Loss Prevention Data Sheets. s. Contractor shall furnish and properly install all new specified drains. Existing drains to be replaced throughout all roof areas. New drains and any exposed piping to be properly insulated as specified. All roof drains are to be water tested prior to removal of existing roofing system and tested after the new roofing system is installed All drains to have a 4' square sump to promote positive drainage. t. Contractor shall furnish and mechanically attach specified 1/2 " gypsum cover board. u. Contractor shall furnish and properly install the new specified black 90 Mil EPDM singleply membrane in specified low rise foam as per manufacturer's most recent guidelines. v. Contractor shall furnish and install all roof system accessories including but not limited to all flashings, vent stack boots, expansion joints and all sheet metal components. w. Contractor shall furnish and properly install all new sheet metal components including but not limited to coping, fascia, slip flashings, and specified metal components of the roof system as per manufacturer's most recent guidelines. Perimeter edge metal components shall be pre-manufactured systems. x. Contractor shall supply a thirty (20) year manufacturers' NDL warranty with 90 MPH wind rider and supply a two (2) year contractor warranty all from the date of substantial completion. 3. ADD ALTERNATE BID I: Roof Areas #1, #2. #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #14 (Black 145 Mil Fleece Back EPDM) a. Roof Areas #1, #2. #3, #4, #5, #7, #8 b. Contractor shall furnish and properly install a new specified black 145 Mil Fleece Back EPDM single-ply membrane in specified low rise foam as per manufacturer's most recent guidelines in lieu of the 90 Mil EPDM specified in the Base Bid. c. Contractor shall supply a thirty (30) year manufacturers NDL warranty with 90 MPH wind rider and supply a two (2) year contractor warranty all from the date of substantial completion for this system. d. Roof Areas #6, #9, #10, #11, #12, #14 e. Contractor shall furnish and properly install a new specified black 145 Mil Fleece Back EPDM single-ply membrane in specified low rise foam as per manufacturer's most recent guidelines in lieu of the 90 Mil EPDM specified in the Base Bid. f. Contractor shall supply a Twenty (20) year manufacturers NDL warranty with 90 MPH wind rider and supply a two (2) year contractor warranty all from the date of substantial completion for this system.
Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields
Public - County
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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340 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA
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