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Published December 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Wabasso, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

**As of December 28, 2023, project was awarded to M.R. Paving and Excavating, Inc. in the total amount of $8,844,329.26.** Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Bidder shall submit all questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents to Engineer in writing. Contact information and submittal procedures for such questions are as follows: Bolton & Menk, Inc., 1243 Cedar Street, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085, 507-794-5541, David Palm Est. Completion Date: Aug. 31, 2025 The Project includes the following Work: 14,750 Linear Foot 8" - 15" PVC Sanitary Sewer Main, 6,690 Linear Foot 8" CIPP Liner, 1 Each Duplex Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, 430 Linear Foot 6" PVC Forcemain, 123 Linear Foot 8" Trenchless RJ Sanitary Sewer Main , 300 Each Sanitary Sewer Service Televising, 2,800 Linear Foot Curb and Gutter B618/B624, 23,450 Tons Aggregate Base Class 5, 3,830 Tons Bituminous Surfacing, 5.0 Acres Permanent Seeding & other miscellaneous work associated with the project. The project involves but is not limited to the complete construction of public improvements for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of sanitary sewer main and services on numerous streets and alleys. Individual elements of work shall include, but are not limited to: 1. Reconstruction of sanitary sewer main and structures. 2. Reconstruction of sanitary sewer services 3. Lift station, valve vault, control panel, and related mise, items. 4. Cured-ln-Place-Pipe (CIPP) lining of numerous sanitary sewer mains. 5. New sanitary sewer main lift station, valve vault, control panel, forcemain and related miscellaneous items. 6. Sanitary sewer main (trenchless) under and across T.H. 68. 7. Lining and or joint sealing of sanitary sewer manholes 8. Sewer pipe cleaning and televising. 9. Grubbing trees. 10. Watermain repairs or offsets where needed. 11. Storm sewer main and storm sewer leads along with structures 12. Removal of bituminous pavement, concrete pavement, concrete driveways, concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, pipe, valves, manholes, catch basins, and other miscellaneous items. 13. Salvaging and re-installing of various structures, fence, casting assemblies, and other mise, items. 14. Common excavation (which includes gravel excavation and bituminous removal). 15. Plug abandoned pipe ends. 16. Sand fill abandoned pipe across TH 68. 17. Concrete walk construction. 18. Concrete curbing and driveway pavement construction. 19. Gravel base construction. 20. Bituminous street construction. 21. Turf restoration and erosion control construction. 22. Removal of old / existing main lift station, valve vault, & control panel. 23. Traffic Control. 24. Other miscellaneous work shown on the plans or specified herein


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Wabasso, MN

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