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Published August 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Lansing, Michigan. Design plans call for site work for a transportation facility; for paving for a transportation facility; and water / sewer project.

As of August 27, 2024, A design firm team has been selected for the project. Construction is estimated to take place in summer of 2025. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: Estimated value is $9M for this project. Request for Qualifications 23-02 Professional Engineering Services The Capital Region Airport Authority (CRAA) intends to select a consultant to assist in the Capital Region International Airport Roadway Improvement Project. The SOQ should demonstrate the consultants' interest in providing planning, architectural/engineering design, and construction administration services for the project, the scope of which is described below: Improve Port Lansing Rd. between Dewitt Rd. and Airport Rd. o Improve 2.3 miles of road to all-season (Class A) standards to better accommodate truck traffic (i.e., rehab/widen road, add paved shoulders, etc.). o Improve geometry to enhance safety and efficiency (e.g., curve at intersection of Port Lansing Rd. and Global Logistics Dr.) Improve Capital City Blvd. between Grand River Ave. and West Circle Dr. o Rehabilitate 0.4 miles of pavement o Identify and design solution to improve traffic flow at intersection of Port Lansing Rd. and Capital City Blvd. (e.g., replace double stop signs at boulevard with traffic circle) Improve storm water infrastructure associated with the roadways listed above Improve wayfinding/signage, including new monument signs at the following locations: o Capital City Blvd. north of Grand River Ave. o Capital City Blvd. north of Port Lansing Rd. o Port Lansing Rd. at Dewitt Rd. o Port Lansing Rd. at Airport Rd. Improve pedestrian access from Grand River Ave. to the airport terminal building Improve landscaping along Capital City Blvd. between Grand River Ave. and the airport terminal building This is a Quality Based Selection process, and services for the project will be negotiated independently. SOQ submittals shall exclude fees or cost. Not all the services or development items listed in this advertisement may be contracted nor eventually required. The CRAA reserves the right to initiate additional procurement action for any services included in this procurement, but not under contract. Firms will be ranked in the following areas and weighted as indicated: Form of Submission 5% Cover Letter/Introduction 5% Key Personnel Professional Qualifications 25% Demonstrated Experience with Similar Projects 35% Familiarity with and Understanding of Project 10% Corporate History and Background 5% Familiarity with Applicable State and Local Regulations 5% Success of Recent Projects 5% Awards and Special Recognition 5% Firms should provide a minimum of three references from entities within the State of Michigan; references should be related to projects of a similar size and scope. Additional information may be requested from the top selected firm or firms. Interviews may be conducted at the discretion of the CRAA. Construction of the project is expected to begin in the first half of 2024. The project will be funded through a grant from the State of Michigan as well as local sources. The selected firm will be subject to all applicable State and local requirements. SOQ submittals shall be organized as follows: Tab 1 - Cover letter (2-page maximum) Tab 2 - Organization chart Tab 3 - Resumes of key personnel (2-page limit per person) Tab 4 - Summaries of example projects (5 projects, 3-page limit per project) Tab 5 - Familiarity with and understanding of project, including potential issues or challenges (2-page maximum) Tab 6 - Additional information including corporate history and background; familiarity with applicable State and local regulations; success of recent projects (i.e., on time, within budget, etc.); awards and special recognition; etc. (10-page maximum) Tab 7 - References Any questions related to this project, contact Robert Benstein, Vice-President & COO, at (517) 886-3716 or rbenstein@craa.com


Transportation Terminals


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Capital Region International Airport Roadway Improvement Project

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