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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Asheville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Description of the Project: The City of Asheville has three park projects which we are seeking qualified teams led by a landscape architect. All three projects will be awarded to one team. 1. Burton Street Community Center, 134 Burton Street, Asheville NC 28806, has a developed master plan (see attached) and a current capital improvements budget of $500,000 which includes soft costs, owner costs and construction costs. Consultant services to include SD, DD, CD, estimating and CO. We are seeking phased construction documents in order to implement community prioritized elements from the existing master plan over the next 5 years. Relocated playground, basketball court and accessible connectivity between elements are the first priority. 2. Weaver Park's existing amenities are in need of replacement and connected with ADA compliant walkways and site furnishings. The main focus of this project will be ADA compliance construction drawings within the park. The amenities will replace the existing amenities, as programming is to remain the same. The scope of work also includes replacing: baseball fencing, foul ball netting, dugouts, batting cages, playground and loop walkway. The park is located at 200 Murdock Ave, Asheville NC 28801 and is partially in a floodplain and floodway. The capital improvements budget for this is $720,000, which includes soft costs, owner costs and construction costs. Consultant services include DD, CD, estimating and CO. Owner selected prefab dugouts, batting cages and site furnishings. 3. The scope of work for Roger Farmer Park includes siting a multi-use sport court court and overall circulation plan ensuring accessibility to the sport court and any additional proposed improvements, and providing construction documents for the sport court and accessible route to the court. Consultant services include: SD, DD, CD, estimating and CO. The capital improvements project budget is $200,000 which includes soft costs, owner costs and construction costs. Scope of Consultant Services: The selected firm will be required to perform and/or coordinate design and assessment services, which may include the following: Landscape Architecture & Site Design, Surveying, Civil Engineering, Flood Engineering and Construction Cost Estimating. The project may include, but not limited to, the following tasks: Coordination meetings Minor Survey Data Collection Conceptual Evaluation & Design Construction Plan and Specification preparation Detail Cost Estimate preparation Project Budget, Schedule & Implementation plan Permitting Bidding and Contractor selection Construction administration/observation Illustrative renderings (2D and or 3D) A detailed description of the scope of work for each of the mentioned services will be provided to the Selected Consultant at a later date as part of a Request for Fee Proposal. Anticipated Project Milestones: October- November 2023: Design Team Selection, Award and Contracting December - April 2024: Project Design for Weaver and Roger Farmer April - July 2024: Project Design for Burton Street Community Center April - June 2024: Construction Bid Process and Award for Weaver and Roger Farmer August -Oct 2024: Construction Bid Process and Award for Burton July 2024- January 2025: Construction for Weaver and Roger Farmer October 2024 - April 2025 Construction for Burto All questions concerning this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) should be submitted via email to: Rebecca Cipriano, Project Manager rcipriano@ashevillenc.gov Phone: 828-424-5596 Letter of Interest (8.5" x 11" format, 10 point font minimum) Provide a letter of interest (LOI) that briefly describes the proposing Team (prime and sub-consultants) and interest in performing the required professional services. Teams must meet the criteria in the bullet points outlined below. Teams that do not meet these criteria may be automatically disqualified. Acknowledges that the team understands and accepts the terms and requirements of the RFQ, and all addenda (each addendum must be identified by number). Includes the name, address, phone and email address of the designated contact for the proposer (prime consultant). Describe the prime firm's unique qualifications as they pertain to this type of work. Includes a statement indicating any judgments against the proposing Team (prime, and subconsultants) within the last five (5) years, or pending litigation, related to project performance or professional liability. Team's "Designer(s) of Record" MUST have current North Carolina license(s) and be in good ethical standing as appropriate for their portion of the design work. Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Evaluation Criteria and Weighting (8.5" x 11" sheet format, single spaced, 10 point font minimum). Each submitter will be evaluated and shortlisted based on their Statement of Qualifications score (100 points maximum) as determined through a qualification review process and scoring criteria noted below: Letter of Interest (8.5" x 11" format, 10 point font minimum) Provide a letter of interest (LOI) that briefly describes the proposing Team (prime and sub-consultants) and interest in performing the required professional services. Teams must meet the criteria in the bullet points outlined below. Teams that do not meet these criteria may be automatically disqualified. Acknowledges that the team understands and accepts the terms and requirements of the RFQ, and all addenda (each addendum must be identified by number). Includes the name, address, phone and email address of the designated contact for the proposer (prime consultant). Describe the prime firm's unique qualifications as they pertain to this type of work. Includes a statement indicating any judgments against the proposing Team (prime, and subconsultants) within the last five (5) years, or pending litigation, related to project performance or professional liability. Team's "Designer(s) of Record" MUST have current North Carolina license(s) and be in good ethical standing as appropriate for their portion of the design work. Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Evaluation Criteria and Weighting (8.5" x 11" sheet format, single spaced, 10 point font minimum). Each submitter will be evaluated and shortlisted based on their Statement of Qualifications score (100 points maximum) as determined through a qualification review process and scoring criteria noted below: Deadline to Submit Questions Wednesday, October 4, 2023 5:00PM


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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