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Published October 17, 2023 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a civil project in Kimper, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; and water / sewer project.
All questions regarding the meaning or interpretation of the bidding documents shall be directed in writing to the purchasing officer Question Deadline 10/07/2023 The Willie Chapman AMD Abatement Project is located on Sunshine Lane near Phelps, Kentucky, N37 30' 49.0", W82 22' 41.8", and includes approximately 6.0 acres of total disturbance. Work proposed under this project will abate the impacts of acidity upon the Stinking Creek drainage created by AMD flowing from four abandoned mine openings (two open and two collapsed) and a seepage zone that is lubricating a landslide upon the Chapman property, and address health and safety issues posed by the two open draining portals plus one other abandoned mine opening within the hollow, and will also result in the removal of the landslide mass being lubricated by the AMD seepage zone discussed above, as accessing the portals and hollow drain requires addressing the landslide. The landslide, which threatens to damage or destroy two barns/storage buildings, to dam an unnamed tributary to Stinking Branch, and block access to the property and natural gas collection wells and structures, will be completely excavated. Encroachment by the landslide has already forced shifting of the stream channel that has partially undermined the larger of two barns located on the valley floor. The material excavated from the landslide, along with spoils from the construction of subdrains and other drainage control structures, will be taken to an Excess Earth Fill Area in nearby Deskins Branch, upon the site of a Title V coal mining operation. After removal of the landslide allows access to the remainder of the project area, three extant abandoned underground mine openings will be closed through installation of bat-friendly wildlife-accessible mine closures. Two of these mine openings emit drainage, and will have non-erosive flow paths established between the closures and the unnamed tributary. An existing eroded flow path adjacent to the third extant opening will be lined with a non-erosive material. The two collapsed mine entries, both of which show evidence of drainage flow, will be reopened for the installation of drainage structures and properly sealed. Non-erosive flow paths will also be established between these closures and the stream. The acidic underground mine drainage flowing from the four draining mine adits will be abated by the installation of high-purity limestone (minimum 85% CaCO3 equivalent content) Class-III rock ditch along approximately 1,455 linear feet of the main stem of the unnamed tributary, plus an additional approximate 150 linear feet of each of its two forks, upstream from their confluence, converting these stream reaches to open limestone channels. This material will neutralize acidity in the drainage and reduce its impact upon Stinking Creek and Johns Creek, and provide additional alkalinity to buffer/neutralize other AMD sources that impact Stinking Creek. Other project-related construction includes a quantity of 36" culvert is included for the replacement of an existing corrugated metal culvert that is likely to be damaged by construction traffic along the existing farm access road. An additional quantity of 60" reinforced concrete culvert is included for potential use if existing culverts along the county road (Sunshine Lane) are damaged by project-related traffic. Fencing and access gates are included for the in-kind replacement of existing structures that may be damaged as a result of construction-related efforts, and bituminous pavement is included for repair of any damage to Sunshine Lane caused by project-related traffic. Reclamation activities may result in the disturbance of trees over 3" dbh while accessing the collapsed mine portals, and during placement of calcareous limestone in the stream channel. Other than transient disturbances associated with closure of the three open underground mine entries, no disturbance of caves or cave-like structures or habitats will be required. There will be direct disturbance of the unnamed tributary for the placement of the Class III stone. However, the end result of the project will be the elimination of a source of sedimentation to Stinking Branch and its receiving stream - John's Creek. Also, the use of this unnamed tributary as a treatment system for acidic mine drainage will help alleviate one of the major mine-related sources of acidity to the John's Creek system. All disturbed areas at the project site that are outside of the Chapman residential yard will be revegetated through the use of the standard AML Reclamation Seed Mix. The landslide excavation area will be revegetated via hydroseeding and hydromulching, with all other areas being revegetated through standard agricultural tillage practices. The residential yard will be revegetated with the standard AML Residential Seed Mix. The Excess Earth Fill Area will be revegetated with the AML Acidic Conditions Seed Mix. Extra agricultural limestone, for use at rates up to 50 tons per acre, has been included for the Excess Earth Fill Area.
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Water / Sewer
Public - State/Provincial
LEED Certification, Paving, Site Work
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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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Sunshine Ln, Kimper, KY
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