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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Caro, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

HVAC Revisions at Middle School/High School ESSER Funds Question Deadline 09/29/2023 Refer all questions to: MacMillan Associates, Inc. 714 East Midland Street Bay City, Michigan 48706 Ph: (989) 894-4300 Fax: (989) 894-9930 Attn: Craig Veldkamp Ron Moulton existing unit ventilators and new unit ventilators for the Middle School and High School. Provide and install new direct digital temperature control front end and new controls as required for all new equipment only. B. Alternate M1 n Provide price for Middle School only. C. Alternate M2 n Provide price for High School only. D. Add Alternate M3 n Price to provide and install all new direct digital controls to replace existing control system not covered in the base bid scope for the Middle School/High School and Auditorium addition. Although the cost will be an important factor in awarding the contract, the school district is not obligated by any statute or regulation to award the professional services of the HVAC Revisions solely on the basis of cost. Accordingly, the school district reserves the right to evaluate all proposals objectively and subjectively and to accept or reject any or all proposals or portion thereof. Additionally, the district reserves the right to negotiate changes in services with the firm determined to have submitted the proposal that is in the best interest of the district. It is to be understood that this RFP constitutes specifications only for the purpose of receiving proposals for products/services and does not constitute an agreement for that product/service. It is further expected that each bidder will read these specifications with care. Failure to provide requested information or meet certain specified conditions may invalidate the proposal(s). Each proposer, by its submission of its proposal, releases Caro Community Schools, its Board of Education, employees, and agents from any claims arising out of, or in any way related to, the RFP process and the selection of the provider. An alternative may be offered if deviations from the specifications are minor and provided that deviations are clearly specified. Failure to outline such deviations may be grounds for rejection of the proposal. Caro Community Schools will retain sole authority for determining what constitutes an acceptable deviation from the specifications/requirements. The proposer is responsible for any and all costs incurred by it or others acting on its behalf in preparing or submitting a proposal or otherwise responding to the RFP, or any negotiations incidental to its proposal for the RFP. Each bidder shall thoroughly examine the bidding and contract documents, and shall complete said examination in sufficient time to bring all questions to the Engineer's attention not later than three (3) days prior to the date proposals are due




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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299 N Hooper St, Caro, MI

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