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Published October 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Carlyle, Saskatchewan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a swimming pool; and for site work for a swimming pool.

The major objectives of this project include the following: 1. Demolish the existing pool basin steel panels. 2. Demolish the existing piping system within the service tunnel. 3. Replace the removed galvanized powder coated steel basin panels with new galvanized powder coated steel panels. 4. Remediate and resurface concrete as required for PVC membrane installation. 5. Supply and install a PVC membrane with fleece underlay system, complete with depth markings wall, a deep end demarcation line and pool floor lane swimming lines. 6. Remediate and repaint service tunnel outer galvanized powder coated steel panel walls where steel panels are corroded. 7. Supply and install a new piping system within service tunnel to serve the new pool basin. 8. Supply and install any supporting equipment, materials, or labour to support the installation of the new pool basin panels and piping system. 9. Supply and install replacement pool lights with modern LED lights and wiring. 10. Pressure testing of deep end main drains. Supply and install replacement work to be handled as a Change Order if required. 11. Furnish the lap pool walls with rope anchors to demark shallow end from deep end, aligning with PVC membrane deep end demarcation line. 12. Install ladder bumpers at the bottom each pool ladder to support ladder and protect the PVC membrane system. 13. Replumb zero-entry pool sump to sanitary waste. 14. Commission the new pool basin and new piping system and provide project documentation. 15. Perform the Design Engineering for design of the steel basin panel system, PVC membrane system, piping systems, and supporting accessories. 16. Preparation of drawings, and specifications, and support through construction. The optional objectives of this project include the following: 1. Furnish the lap pool walls with rope anchors to demark five (5) swimming lanes, aligning with PVC membrane markings. 2. Supply and install a Zip line swing at South end of the lap pool. 3. Demolish the existing black rubberized surface covering the pool deck and remove paving stones. Install new brushed concrete deck. Documents are available at https://mpe.bidsandtenders.ca/


Swimming Pools


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work





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100 Main St, Carlyle, SK

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