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Renovation of a military facility in Hill Air Force Base, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

The purpose of this Project Mylar Relocation is to relocate Mylar drawings from building 1218 to 1237 at Hill AFB Utah. All work shall be conducted in accordance with (IAW) this Statement of Work (SOW). The Government's has a current lot of miscellaneous Mylar drawings currently stored in building 1218. All the drawings need to be relocated to building 1237. This requires that the room in building 1237 be cleaned out, including removal and disposal of old cubical office furniture. Once the new location is cleaned out, new shelving must be purchased (by the contractor), assembled and fitted to the new location. Once complete, the Mylar drawings all need to be moved, in their current configuration, to the new shelves in building 1237. If your company is capable of the requirements of this combined synopsis/solicitation, please submit a quote not later than 22 Sept 2023 at 0900 Mountain Standard Time to: and . Ensure your proposal addresses the requirement in the Instructions and Notices to Offerors and your ability to meet the selection criteria in the award evaluation. Please submit any questions concerning this requirement or a request a to Frank Volk NLT 21 September 2023 by 0900 Mountain Standard Time. If a is requested, it must be completed in time to provide a proposal within the due date and time. Because this is an end of year requirement, a request to extend the proposal due date may not be granted.




Public - Federal


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September 25, 2023

October 25, 2023


7981 Georgia St, Hill Air Force Base, UT

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