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Site work for a bridge / tunnel in Lafayette, Alabama. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

Inquiry no. 1698, theguardrail construction and repair on thefollowing projects:chambers county project no. 09-26-23, er-9075(917): county road 48at bridge 16, chamberscounty project no. 09- 34-23, er-9075 (918): county road 48 at bridge 21 The entire project shallbe completed by december 8th 2023. A cashier's check (drawnon an alabama bank) orbid bond for 5% of theamount bid (maximum of$10,000.00) and made payable to the chamberscounty commission mustaccompany each bid asevidence of good faith.It is not required that acontractor be licensedin order to submit abid; however, prior toaward of a contract,proper proof of allapplicable licensuresmust be provided by thecontractor. Proof ofinsurance coverages ofthe types and amountsas set forth in the project specifications willbe required of the contractor, and any and allsubcontractors, priorto beginning work. Thecontractor will be required to perform workamounting to at least30% of the total contract cost with his ownorganization. Contractor prequalification is not requiredto bid on this project.However, the award ofthe contract will notbe made to any bidderwho, at the time of theaward, is consideredby the alabama department of transportation(aldot) to be disqualified from bidding, norto any bidder who is anaffiliate of or has a corporate officer, director, or principal ownerwho is a corporate officer, director, or ownerof, another person whois presently disqualified by aldot. Chambers county hours ofoperation are 6 a.M. To 4:30p.M. (central time) from monday through thursday No bid documents willbe distributed laterthan 24 hours prior tothe scheduled openingof bids. This is a federally funded project. The proposed work shall beperformed in conformity with the rules andregulations for carrying out the federalhighway act and otheracts amendatory, supplementary, or relativethereto. This projectis subject to the contract work hours andsafety standards actand its implementingregulations. Mbe/dbeparticipation is encouraged; however, no specific mbe/dbe goals havebeen established forthis project. Minimum wage rates forthis project have beenpre-determined by thesecretary of labor andare set forth in the advertised specifications. In accordance with title vi of the civil rightsact of 1964, 78 stat. 252, 42u.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 andtitle 49, code of federalregulations, department of transportation,subtitle a, office of thesecretary, part 21, nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programsof the department oftransportation issuedpursuant to such act,all bidders are herebynotified that it will beaffirmatively ensuredthat in any contract entered into pursuant tothis advertisement, minority business enterprises will be affordedfull opportunity to submit bids in response tothis invitation and willnot be discriminatedagainst on the groundsof race, color, religion,sex, or national originin consideration for anaward. The right to reject anyor all bids and to disregard any minor irregularities is reserved bythe chambers countycommission. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. $65,000 - $75,000


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Lafayette, AL

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