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Published December 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Manhattan Beach, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Consultant shall provide professional engineering, outreach, and real estate development services for the Lot 3 Parking Structure Redevelopment Feasibility Study (the Project) as described in the following tasks and as more specifically described in the Contract Documents. Task 1: Project Management, Meetings, & Coordination Task 2: Existing Conditions and Site Analysis Task 3: Market and Financial Analysis Task 4: Community Outreach and Engagement Task 5: Develop Concepts Task 6: Fiscal Impacts and Cost Estimates Task 7: Final Report & Recommendations The City is seeking professional services from an experienced consulting firm to develop options to improve, replace, or redevelop the Lot 3 Parking Structure. The selected firm/consultant (the Consultant) will investigate the site, review available data and reports, analyze market and financial feasibility, perform extensive stakeholder engagement, develop design concepts, analyze fiscal impacts, and report their findings in a well-documented feasibility study. Redevelopment concept considerations may include, but are not limited to . Reinforcement and enhancement of the existing structure . Replacement of the existing structure with a new structure designed to maximize use of buildable area, both above and below ground; . Creation of an underground connection to the neighboring Metlox Parking Lot (Lot M) . Development of a mixed-use replacement structure which incorporates both parking and commercial space; and/or, . Redevelopment of the site for other (non-parking) uses. Ultimately, the recommended conceptual design(s) will be presented to City Council for their consideration and approval. The City anticipates the Project will commence upon contract award and execution in January 2024 and all contract work will be completed by June 27, 2024. Online Q&A Yes Q&A Deadline 11/21/2023 11:00 AM (PST)


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 7, 2024


1155 Morningside Dr, Manhattan Beach, CA

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