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Saving Project...

Published October 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Sheridan, Arkansas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

City of Sheridan, Arkansas will accept lump sum bids for furnishing all tools, labor, materials, and equipment required to Construct approximately 430 LF of new Drainage Channel and fill existing drainage channel; approximately 450 LF Roadway Improvements to Gum St with drainage, driveway improvements and other related appurtenances; with MUTCD Traffic Control and Signage; and the contractor shall provide all other clearing and erosion control, miscellaneous materials and appurtenances, etc. for a complete project in accordance with the plans and specifications. Bidding Documents may be examined at Sheridan City Hall, 106 W. Bell Street, Sheridan, AR 72150. Bids shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond executed on the prescribed form in the specifications, payable to the City of Sheridan, Arkansas in an amount not less than 5 percent of the amount bid as guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract if the bid is accepted. The bid proposal and work of the proposed contract shall be in accordance with all applicable federal, state, county, and local laws, ordinances and regulations. The attention of the Bidder is directed to the applicable federal and state requirements and conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under this contract. For information concerning the proposed Work, contact Mayor Cain Nattin at Sheridan City Hall, 106 West Bell Street, Sheridan, AR 72150, Phone: (870) 942-3921 The Owner reserves the right to: waive irregularities; reject any bid which contains material omissions, or irregularities, or in which any of the unit prices are obviously unbalanced in the opinion of the Owner; reject bid, if in any manner, shall fail to conform to the conditions of the Bidding Requirements and Contract Documents; choose the most qualified bidder for the Project, and to postpone award of the Contract for a period of time which shall not exceed beyond 90 days from the bid opening date.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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October 2, 2023

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E Gum St, Sheridan, AR

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