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Published October 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a laboratory facility in Los Angeles, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a laboratory facility.

The California Science Center is soliciting bids to procure all materials, supplies, equipment and labor necessary to remove existing flooring, replace rusted rebar, and install new epoxy flooring throughout the Curators Lab and custodial closet areas in the Kelp Forest gallery as specified herein. If you do not have Internet access, have any questions, or require clarification for the information contained herein, please contact Brenda Urbina at (213) 744-2447 or burbina@californiasciencecenter.ca.gov. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The contract is tentatively scheduled to commence on or after November 1, 2023, and end November 30, 2023. Any changes to the period of performance must be done as a written Amendment to the Agreement by the California Science Center. The Contractor shall not be authorized to deliver or commence performance of services as described in this Statement of Work (SOW) until written approval has been obtained from all entities. No delivery or performance of service may commence prior to the execution of the Agreement. SCOPE OF WORK A. Service and Work: Contractor agrees to provide to California Science Center ("CSC") all materials, supplies, equipment, and labor necessary to remove existing flooring, replace rusted rebar and install new epoxy flooring throughout the Curators Lab and custodial closet areas in the Kelp Forest Gallery as specified herein. B. Background Information 1. The current flooring in these areas is composed of epoxy floor paint over concrete and services are requested to replace the current floor to match the surrounding flooring of the gallery with an epoxy/sand mixture. The gallery is constantly exposed to salt water from the numerous exhibits' aquatic tanks in the area that house marine life. The concrete beneath the existing flooring has absorbed salt water, which occasionally, during tank accidents, leaks into the basement through fissures in the concrete. This has also resulted in areas where rusted rebar is exposed and penetrated the surface of the floor requiring repair prior to installation of the new flooring. The installation area totals approximately 800 square feet. 2. The work site is located in the Kelp Forest gallery of CSC which features a 188,000- gallon tank filled with marine life. Marine life will be present in the tank during duration of the project. C. Hours of Service: Work shall take place between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays, unless otherwise approved by CSC Contract Manager or designee. Work entailing significant noise or chemical applications that are disruptive to visitors and staff must be performed before 10:00am or after 5:00pm, and must be approved by CSC Contract Manager or designee. Contractor must notify CSC Contract Manager of any delays in schedule as soon as possible. D. Service Locations and Schedule: 1. Services will take place in the Kelp Zone gallery, Ecosystem building, at the Science Center located at 700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles, California 90037. 2. Work is expected to commence on or after 11/01/2023 and is expected to take two (2) weeks to complete, unless otherwise specified by CSC Contract Manager. E. Licenses and Permits: B General Building Contractor License by the California Department of Consumer Affairs Contractors State License Board is required. Licenses and permits required must be provided by Contractor and he/she shall abide by all Federal, State, and city laws or rules affecting the work and shall maintain all required protection for property, employees, and the public and insurance in connection with same, for all of which he/she shall bear the necessary expense. F. Technical Specifications: Floor plans are included for reference in Exhibit A.1, Layout Phase II Floors 1.pdf. COVID-19 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR PRE-BID CONFRENENCE/WALKTHROUGH All prospective bidders attending the mandatory pre-bid conference/walkthrough must: 1) Not send representatives that have COVID-19-like symptoms, 2) Bring and wear a face covering that covers the mouth and nose, 3) Follow all posted building safety requirements for COVID-19, and 4) Maintain proper physical distancing. All attendees will be screened for temperature onsite and representative(s) not wearing a face covering will not be allowed to sign in. C. MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE/WALKTHROUGH 1) A mandatory pre-bid conference/walkthrough is scheduled at 10:30 a.m., 10/09/2023 at the California Science Center, Ecosystems Building, for the purpose of discussing concerns regarding this IFB. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before 10:30 a.m. and wait outside main entrance of the Ecosystems Building (in front of IMAX theater/next to box office). If you want your parking validated, please make sure to bring your parking ticket. 2) In the event a potential prime contractor is unable to attend the mandatory pre-bid conference/walkthrough, an authorized representative may attend on their behalf. The representative may only sign-in for one (1) company. Subcontractors may not represent a potential prime contractor at a mandatory pre-bid conference/walkthrough. No bid will be accepted unless the bidder or his/her authorized representative is in attendance. 3) For contractors who need assistance due to a physical impairment, a reasonable accommodation will be provided by the awarding agency upon request for the pre-bid conference/walkthrough. The Contractor must call Brenda Urbina at (213) 744-2447 or email burbina@californiasciencecenter.ca.gov by the morning prior to the scheduled date and time of the pre-bid conference to arrange for a reasonable accommodation. Question Deadline 10/09/2023 at 10:00 AM PT All questions regarding the content of this IFB must be submitted in writing by mail or electronically to Brenda Urbina (burbina@californiasciencecenter.ca.gov) and must be received by the Key Action Date identified above. Questions not submitted in writing by the Key Action Date for submission of written questions shall be answered at the State's option. When the State has completed its review of the questions, all of the questions and answers will be distributed in writing by fax, mail or electronically mailed to all bidders.




Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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700 Exposition Park Dr, Los Angeles, CA

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