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Site work, paving and renovation of a bridge / tunnel in Simsbury, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

The location, general characteristics and principal details of the work are indicated on drawings in the plan set prepared by Silva Engineering, LLC, titled "Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 03984 (Flower Bridge), Old Bridge Road over Farmington River. A limited hazardous materials site investigation has been conducted associated with Bridge No. 03984 Old Bridge Road over Farmington River, Simsbury, Connecticut. The scope of inspection was limited to the steel members of the Parker truss bridge. The bridge railing was not inspected for hazardous materials, as the railing was constructed in 1994. This project includes: repairing existing steel bridge members and welds; abrasive blast cleaning and painting of steel bridge members; removing and disposing of existing timber decking and 9-inch nailer; furnishing new timber decking system on existing steel floor beams with new nailer support assembly; modify-in-place existing bridge rail system; install new support system for existing hanging planters; modifying existing concrete abutments including excavation and backfilling, and removing and resetting brick pavers; removing and restoring miscellaneous historic plaques; and remove and replace existing bridge electrical system. Alternate 1 includes remove existing irrigation system, and furnish and install new irrigation system for hanging and box planters; The project is subject to State of Connecticut Prevailing Wage Rates. All Person who perform work ON SITE must be paid prevailing wage for the appropriate mechanic, labourer, or worker classification. The OWNER reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with this PROJECT. The CONTRACTOR shall afford other CONTRACTORS reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their WORK, and shall properly connect and coordinate his WORK with theirs. If the proper execution or results of any part of the CONTRACTOR's WORK depends upon the WORK of any other CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall inspect and promptly report to the ENGINEER any defects in such WORK that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Each bid must be accompanied by bid security in the amount equal to TEN PERCENT (10%) of the bid amount. The bid security shall be in the form either of the bidder's certified check or of a bid bond. The bid bond shall be prepared in the form of the Bid Bond made a part of this Invitation, duly executed by the bidder and the surety and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Town's legal counsel. The bidder's surety shall be licensed by the State of Connecticut and listed by the US Department of the Treasury in Circular No. 570. Questions concerning the bid are to be in writing preferably by email and directed only to: Name: Daniel F. Gannon Project Engineer 933 Hopmeadow Street Simsbury, CT 06070 E-mail:, If a bidder finds any omission, discrepancy or error in, has questions concerning, or seeks an exception to anything in the documents constituting this Invitation, it should notify the Town as soon as possible and in no event later than 5 business days before the date of the bid.

Bid Results

Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Old Bridge Rd, Simsbury, CT

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