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Published November 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Emlenton, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Venango County is requesting sealed proposals for a project to improve stormwater infrastructure, along Kerr Avenue, Emlenton. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any bids. All bidders are hereby notified that minorityowned and womenowned businesses will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids and will not be subject to discrimination on basis or race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration of this award. Venango County is requesting bids for contractor services relating to the improvement of a Stormwater System, running beneath Kerr Avenue, in Emlenton, Venango County. Subsurface runoff from the adjacent hillside is daylighting/discharging on to the shoulder of Kerr Avenue, between Chestnut Street and Hill Street. This additional drainage has been requested to be controlled earlier rather than continue discharging onto the street and continuing downslope. As a result, two new 2' x 4' storm inlets are planned to be placed off the roadway, to the immediate north of Kerr Avenue upgradient of the existing storm sewer system that begins approximately 100' northwest of the intersection between Kerr Avenue and Hill Street. The new pipe runs will be comprised of smooth-lined HDPE and will be 12-inch in diameter. Additionally, a 6-in. diameter perforated pipe will be placed immediately above the 12-in. HDPE with the intention of catching spring runoff that may be running under the road surface. The 12- in. diameter was selected as the maximum pipe size of the existing downstream system is also 12-in. The expansion project will consist of 313 ft. (new runs of 213 ft. and 100 ft.) of new HDPE pipe. The new expansion will allow for the additional subsurface runoff to get into the storm sewer system much quicker than if it were allowed to continue along the shoulder of Kerr Avenue before entering. The existing storm sewer system was not modeled as part of the project. After inspection deems project completed, to specifications, any cuts in road surface to be paved to match existing grade. This construction activity will be funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Hence, all relevant federal requirements of the program shall apply as outlined in the bid documents (see General Conditions).

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Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work




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October 13, 2023

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Kerr Ave, Emlenton, PA

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Emlenton Stormwater Improvement Project: Kerr Avenue

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