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Site work and paving for a water / sewer project in New Orleans, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; and for paving for a water / sewer project.

Prior to Bid opening date, the Contractor shall send all questions and requests for clarification or interpretation of the Bid Documents in writing to the attention of Mira Para, P.E. of HNTB, Inc. The address and contact information are as follows: HNTB Corporation 450 Laurel Street, Suite 1200 Baton Rouge, LA 70801 Attn: Mira Para, P.E. Telephone: (225) 368-2815 Bids received after the above specified time will not be considered. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause. In accordance with La. R. S. 38:2212.B.(1), the provisions and requirements of this Section, those stated in the Invitation to Bid, and those required on the bid form shall not be considered informalities and shall not be waived by any public entity. Project location 17th St, Orleans Ave, Bayou St. John, & London Ave Canals LOCATION OMITTED OORLEANS AVE. CANAL WEST (104+38 TO 105+56) ORLEANS AVE. CANAL EAST (117+88 TO 118+68) ORLEANS AVE. CANAL EAST (37+08 TO 37+78) LAKE FRONT LEVEE (225+82 TO 226+83) LONDON AVE. CANAL WEST (128+42 TO 130+03) LONDON AVE. CANAL WEST (125+39 TO 127+59) LONDON AVE. CANAL WEST (120+36 TO 121+94) LONDON AVE. CANAL EAST (2+37 TO 7+17) BAYOU ST. JOHN WEST (107+19 TO 107+89) Bids must be submitted on forms provided by the Owner. Envelopes containing bids and bid guarantee shall be sealed, marked with the project name, and with the Contractor's name as it appears on the License and the Louisiana Contractor's license number. Bids may be submitted electronically or on paper. Paper bids shall be delivered to the Flood Protection Authority at the address listed above in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bids shall be submitted to the correct and corresponding project number, as identified in this Invitation to Bid. Should there be any discrepancy in the online project number and the project number in this Invitation to Bid, Contractor shall immediately notify the FPA Project Engineer and the FPA Director of Engineering. Additional information regarding electronic bidding is included in the Instruction to Bidders. The Work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment for the installation of slope paving on areas as indicate on the plans including mobilization and demobilization, concrete slope paving, manhole adjustment, temporary erosion and sediment control, temporary traffic control, turf reestablishment, and other related work. The opinion of probable construction costs for the project shall be made available at the time of bid opening, either by posting such estimate electronically or announcing aloud such estimate at the bid opening. Bidders upon return of the documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Fifty percent (50%) of the deposit of all other sets of documents will be refunded upon return of documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids, as stated above. Contract documents may also be accessed electronically. If request for Contract documents is made through U.S. mail or other delivery services, bidder must furnish a street mailing address and will be responsible for service fees. Contract Documents will be issued only to those contractors complying with state licensing laws for contractors, La. R.S. 37:2163. On any bid submitted in the amount of $50,000 or more, Contractor shall hold at the time of bid opening, a valid license issued by the Louisiana Licensing Board for Contractors for the required classification of work. This project is classified as HEAVY CONSTRUCTION and/or HIGHWAY, STREET, AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. It is the responsibility of the bidder to determine the proper job classification and to possess the proper license, all in accordance with La. R.S. 37:2151 et seq. Contractors desiring to bid shall submit evidence that they hold license of proper classification and in full force and effect. Objection to the required classification should be filed in accordance with La. R.S. 37:2163.C. as stated by the Louisiana Licensing Board for Contractors. All bids must be accompanied by bid security equal to five percent (5%) of the cost of the Contract price of work to be done for the Base Bid plus all additive Alternate Bid prices, by certified check, cashier's check or Bid Bond Form written by a surety company licensed to do business in Louisiana, signed by the surety's agency or attorney-in-fact. The Bid Bond shall be in favor of "Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority - East" and "Orleans Levee District". The Bid Bond shall be accompanied by appropriate power of attorney. No Bid Bond indicating an obligation of less than five percent (5%) by any method is acceptable. The bidder to whom the Contract is awarded shall also be required to furnish a performance bond equal to 100% of the total amount of the bid. The bid bond must be furnished in accordance with the requirements of La. R.S. 38:2218, and the performance bond in accordance with the provisions of La. R.S. 38:2219. Bonds shall be signed by the surety's agent or attorney-in-fact. Other documentation not provided with the bid, but that is required by La. R.S.38:2212, the Owner, or the specifications, must be furnished by the low bidder within ten (10) calendar days after the bid opening. Such documentation shall be supplied as originals (no copies). Failure to provide this information and documentation within ten (10) calendar days after bid opening will be grounds for disqualification on grounds that the bidder is not a "responsible bidder". This information and documentation includes, but is not limited to, the non-collusion affidavit, non-conviction affidavit, list of licensed sub-contractors, and employment verification affidavit. However, the payment and performance bond must be supplied upon contract signing. Note that, although these instructions list specific items that are required, it is solely the bidder's responsibility to stay abreast of changes in public bid law and to ensure compliance with La. R.S.38:2212 and all other statues related to public bid law. The Flood Protection Authority encourages, to the extent feasible, participation by minority and woman-owned businesses in all bids and proposals for goods and services. It also encourages the structuring of major projects into categories which may be commensurate with the capabilities of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, and actively encourages major prime contractors to provide opportunities for these businesses to become involved as subcontractors. Work in the amount of at least sixty percent (60%) of total amount of Contract as awarded shall be performed by the Prime Contractor at the construction site or within its own shop, plant, or yard with its own employees. Bidder is required to comply with provisions and requirements of La. R.S.38:2212. Bids may be withdrawn or revised by the bidder prior to bid opening. Bids may only be withdrawn after bid opening due to patently obvious, unintentional, and substantial mechanical, clerical, or mathematical errors, or errors of unintentional omission of a substantial quantity of work, labor, material, or services made directly in the compilation of the bid, if clear and convincing sworn, written evidence of such errors is furnished to the public entity within 48 hours of bid opening in accordance with La. R. S. 38:2214.

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, New Orleans, LA

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