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Saving Project...

Published October 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Erie, Pennsylvania. Working plans call for site work for a pipeline; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The School District of the City of Erie will receive bids for New Gas Service and Gas Well Decommissioning for the Edison Elementary School. It is the intent of the Owner to enter into a single contract for the work. The Contractor shall provide all items, articles, materials, equipment, operations, or methods listed, mentioned, or scheduled on the Drawings and/or herein specified, including all labor and incidentals necessary and required to complete the demolition work. The demolition work consists of, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Protecting all trees, survey points, property corners, sidewalks, curbing, buildings, etc. shown on the drawings to be protected or not specifically in the work area. 2. Materials to be removed and reused or delivered to the Owner shall be as shown on the drawings. Contractor will review all salvageable items with the Owner prior to the start of the demolition work. The Owner will direct the Contractor where salvageable items are to be delivered for storage on site. All materials shown to be removed and not reused or salvageable shall be properly disposed of by the Contractor off-site All Bids shall include a Bid Security Bond or Certified Check, payable to The School District of the City of Erie, in an amount of five percent (5%) of the bid, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, as included in the Contract Documents. Such Bid Bond or Check shall be submitted with the understanding that it shall guarantee that the Bidder's Bid will not be withdrawn for a period of at least sixty (60) days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids; that if the Bid is accepted, the Bidder will execute the Form of Agreement, as provided by the Owner, with all blanks appropriately filled and will submit the required 100% Performance and Labor and Material Bonds (submitted on A.I.A. Document A312) and 100% Maintenance Bond as specified in Section 007216, Article 11; and that in the event of withdrawal of said Bid within said period, or the failure to enter into said Agreement and submit said Bonds within ten days after the Bidder has received notice of the acceptance of the Bid, the Bidder shall be liable to the above mentioned Owner for the full amount of such Bond or Check as representing the damage to the Owner on account of the default of the Bidder in any particular hereof. The Bid Bond or Check of all Bidders whose Bids are not accepted will be returned within ten calendar days after the scheduled bid opening date All Bidders shall comply with the Responsible Contracting with the District Policy, as included in the Contract Documents

Final Planning



Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Price and Payment Procedures, Substitution Procedures, Contract Modification Procedures, Administrative Requirements, Submittal Procedures, Certificates, Quality Requirements, Regulatory Requirements, Execution and Closeout Requirements, Execution, Application, Closeout Submittals, Warranties
Division 02 - Existing Conditions

Division 02 - Existing Conditions

Division 04 - Masonry

Division 04 - Masonry

Stone Assemblies
Division 12 - Furnishings

Division 12 - Furnishings

Division 13 - Special Construction

Division 13 - Special Construction

Integrated Construction
Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security

Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security

Electronic Safety and Security
Division 31 - Earthwork

Division 31 - Earthwork

Earthwork, Common Work Results for Earthwork, Aggregates for Earthwork, Earth Moving, Grading, Excavation and Fill, Excavation, Fill, Compaction, Embankments
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Exterior Improvements, Operation and Maintenance of Exterior Improvements, Watering, Bases, Ballasts, and Paving, Flexible Paving, Asphalt Paving, Planting, Turf and Grasses, Seeding
Division 34 - Transportation

Division 34 - Transportation


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October 26, 2023

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1921 E Lake Rd, Erie, PA

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New Gas Service And Gas Well Decommissioning For the Edison Elementary School

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