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Demolition and site work for a hospitality development in Belle Plaine, Iowa. Completed plans call for the demolition of a hospitality development; and for site work for a hospitality development.

The City of Belle Plaine reserves the right to reject any and all bids. vBid online bid submittal questions Est. Value: $ 203,500.00 Est. Completion Date: Feb. 1, 2024 Demolition of a structurally compromised building with asbestos containing materials. Contractor shall fully complete by February 1, 2024. Liquidated Damages in the amount of $600.00 per Calendar Day will be assessed for each Calendar Day that any work shall remain uncompleted beyond the specified completion date allowed. Engineer shall not be required to make any recommendations based upon liquidated damages. Work shall consist of all activities related to the demolition, removal, disposal and cleaning of the building site. The work related to the building shall be considered RACM. The work shall be in conformance with the project specifications and all applicable laws, regulations and codes. In case of conflict between the scope of work and any applicable laws, regulations and codes, the more stringent requirements and/or standards will apply. Prior to the commencement of demolition activities, the Contractor shall establish a boundary around the building and waste containers to restrict access. The use of fencing or flagging may be appropriate to delineate the boundary and prevent unauthorized access. Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and air monitoring devices by all personnel within the boundary is highly recommended. The boundary may change as the project progresses or if site conditions change during demolition. The structure has been deemed unsafe to enter and remove ACM prior to demolition. Therefore, the building must be demolished with possible ACM intermingled with the materials and debris. This results in all materials and debris considered RACM. The contractor shall continually wet the materials with water at a rate and volume sufficient to prevent the visible emission of dust. The Owner will provide a water source. All runoff shall be contained. Excess water and runoff shall be filtered using a 0.5-1.0 micron filter before leaving the site. All RACM shall be disposed of in a container lined with two layers of at least 6-mil poly or equivalent. The container shall have clearly visible warning signs on each side of the container complying with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations as specified by 29 CFR Section 1910.1001(j)(1)(ii) and 1910.1001(j)(4). The RACM shall be disposed of in an approved landfill. The RACM container shall be covered during transport to prevent any dust or debris from leaving the container. The Contractor shall provide site monitoring during RACM removal to collect air samples and provide guidance on the proper volume and rate of water used during demolition. Air monitoring will include areas near where personnel are working, along the boundary perimeter and background samples. Monitoring locations shall be placed based on the work locations and activities and wind direction. Perimeter air monitoring shall be in accordance with CFR Section 1926.1101(g)(4)(ii)(B) to confirm the perimeter levels do not exceed the background levels as measured by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM). Waste shipment records must be completed by the Contractor and sent to the Owner within 14 calendar days. Alterations of the scope of work may be considered if deemed beneficial and cost-effective to the project and Owner. Request to alter the scope must be submitted in writing to the Owner and approved prior to commencement of the work.


Hotel / Motel


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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718 13th St, Belle Plaine, IA

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