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Published December 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a recreation facility in Tacoma, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 12,966-square-foot, one-story above grade recreation facility; and for site work for a recreation facility.

The project includes but is not limited to: Repairs and renovations of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (PDZA) South Pacific Aquarium (SPA) Shark Tank and associated spaces. 1. Visitor area exhibit updates, including refreshing the rockery and corals, restoring and fabricating new exhibit plants, fabricating display panels, exterior entry and exit updates, and other updates as indicated in the drawings. Exhibit updates are shown with the extent of the scope areas and design intent. The exhibit designer is expected to work directly with PDZA staff on the final execution of the design on site. 2. Digital visitor information signage and displays. Power and data to be provided as indicated in the drawings. Equipment to be provided by the PDZA owner, installed by the contractor. 3. Replace interior finishes. Including replacing carpet for a resinous flooring, acoustic ceiling tiles, and painting. Areas include exhibit spaces as well as staff offices. 4. Updates and reconfiguration to the Staff Food Preparation area and construction of a new Quarantine Room. Provide new partitions, as well as all new casework, and equipment. Coordinate power and water revisions. 5. Bid Alternate to include completing a new Coral Exhibit space. Minority & Women Owned Enterprises (MWBE) participation will apply. Metro Parks Tacoma encourages an MWBE goal of eight percent (8%) on a Public Works PROJECT ESTIMATED AT $20,000.00 OR MORE including Subcontractors: The Washington State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE) certifies firms that are owned and controlled by minorities or women and can provide information regarding the certification process. Information about the certification status of a particular firm is available at the following OMWBE website address r by contacting OMWBE at (360) 664-9750, 1110 Capitol Way S., Suite #150, PO Box 41160, Olympia, Washington 98501. The base bid estimate range is $740,000.00 - $800,000.00. The Alternate bid estimate range is $80.000.00 to $90,000.00. Time of completion is 120 calendar days. If you would like them mailed, please contact ARC for additional shipping costs, payable to ARC (accounts with ARC may be used for shipping costs). Questions may be directed to Geoff E. Anderson, Schemata Workshop, Inc., at geoff@schemataworkshop.com or (206) 743-9437. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Questions requiring this project are due by October 13, 2023 by 3 PM. Questions may be directed to Geoff E. Anderson, Schemata Workshop, Inc., at geoff@schemataworkshop.com or (206) 743-9437.

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Amusement and Recreation


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work





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5400 N Pearl St, Tacoma, WA

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