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Published June 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in Lexington, Kentucky. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

As of June 24, 2024, the University’s Procurement Services Division has advised that UK-2380-24 was closed without award. Question Deadline 10/18/2023 at 1:00 PM ET Contact Ken Scott Procurement Services University of Kentucky 322 Peterson Service Building Lexington, KY 40506-0005 Phone: (859) 257-9102 Fax: (859) 257-1951 E-mail: cckbidquestions@uky.edu All communication with the University regarding this RFP shall only be directed to the purchasing officer listed above This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued to solicit proposals from qualified, experienced, financially sound, and responsible firms FURNISH AND INSTALL the Fixed Audience Seating, Telescoping Bleachers and Custom Seating in Women's Basketball Locker rooms for the updates in UK Memorial Coliseum in Lexington, Kentucky. The scope of work of this Project consists of the turn-key installation and warranting of all materials and products including transportation, as herein specified in this RFP and Attachments. This includes the clean-up from associated installation. The Scope of Work generally includes the design, fabrication and installation of the Fixed Audience Seating, Telescoping Bleachers, and Custom Seating in the Women's Basketball Locker rooms. Proposals shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes to the above referenced address and shall show on the face of the envelope: the closing time and date specified, the solicitation number and the name and address of the offeror. The technical proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and the financial proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope under separate cover. Both sealed envelopes shall have identical information on the cover, with the addition that one will state "Technical Information," and the other, "Financial Proposal." This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued to solicit proposals from qualified, experienced, financially sound, and responsible firms FURNISH AND INSTALL the Fixed Audience Seating, Telescoping Bleachers and Custom Seating in Women's Basketball Locker rooms for the updates in UK Memorial Coliseum in Lexington, Kentucky. The scope of work of this Project consists of the turn-key installation and warranting of all materials and products including transportation, as herein specified in this RFP and Attachments. This includes the clean-up from associated installation. To be considered a responsible Offer, the selected Contractor must have successfully completed previous Professional or NCAA Division I Sports Related seating projects with similar scope of work and quality requirements to the project being quoted. At minimum, potential Contractors are to have at least five (5) years' experience with providing "turnkey" seating for facilities of the magnitude of this project, and/or other significant structures of comparable scale and complexity. The work will be performed under contract with the Construction Manager, Congleton-Hacker Construction Company (CM) and the Seating Subcontractor selected will become a responsible, cooperative and contributing member of the CM professional team for the design, fabrication and installation of the project. Design services will be coordinated with the Universities Architects, RossTarrant Architects and University Representatives and will provide assistance and advice to the design consultants, CM and Owner to assure the project is completed within defined budget, program and schedule. Also required will be full submittal documentation prior to releasing the order

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To Be Determined, Lexington, KY

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