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Published November 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Yorktown Heights, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.
Scope of Work: 1. Turf vendor is fully responsible to visit the site and take all necessary measurements before submitting their proposal. By submitting a response to this Bid the turf vendor acknowledges that they have visited the site and are responsible for any quantity discrepancies. 2. A suitable designated asphalt staging area near the field will be provided. . 3. Carefully remove and legally dispose of exiting rubber and sand filled artificial turf. Extreme care must be used during the removal process to minimize damage to the existing base. 4. Once the existing turf is removed, inspection of the existing drainage base shall take place with the owner's representatives and turf field contractor before proceeding with the fine grading. 5. The entire existing base shall be laser graded to within a 1/4" tolerance 10' in all directions when checked with a string line or straight edge. It is understood that some additional finish stone may be needed to achieve proper planarity and it will be the responsibility of the successful contractor to furnish and install as needed. 6. The existing concrete anchor curb shall remain. 7. Existing goal posts to remain. 8. Once all of the work described above is completed and approved by the owner installation of the new turf system shall commence Any request for information or interpretation and/or clarification of the Bid Documents must be addressed in writing to Diana Quast, Yorktown Town Clerk, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown Height, NY 10598, and be submitted no later than five (5) business days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. The bidder shall satisfy itself by personal examination of the location of the proposed work and surroundings thereof, and by such other means as it may prefer, as to the scope of the work and the accuracy of the approximate estimated quantities; and shall not at any time after submission of the bid dispute such approximate estimated quantities or assert that there was any misrepresentation by the Town or any misunderstanding by the bidder in regard to the quantity or kind of materials to be furnished, or work to be done. Failure to do so will not relieve a successful bidder contractor ("contractor") of the obligation to furnish all material and labor necessary to carry out the provisions of the contract documents and to complete the contemplated work for the consideration set forth in its bid. The Bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by the employees of the Town of Yorktown. Whether sent by mail or means of personal delivery, the Bidder assumes the responsibility for having the bids in at the time and the place specified above. All bids are to be returned to the Town Clerk, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598, marked: "Bid: Turf Replacement at Legacy Field." If a Performance and Payment bond is required in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders, the "Bid Bond and Consent of Surety" Form must be executed by the contractor's Surety Company and submitted to the Town. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept that bid which is deemed most favorable to the interests of the Town of Yorktown. Question Deadline 10/14/2023 Any request for information or interpretation and/or clarification of the Bid Documents must be addressed in writing to Diana Quast, Yorktown Town Clerk, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown Height, NY 10598, and be submitted no later than five (5) business days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids.
Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields
Public - City
Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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