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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Boone, Iowa. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Boone, Iowa (Sponsor) is hereby soliciting Statement of Qualifications from consultants for airfield development project that is anticipated to occur within the next year at the Boone Municipal Airport (KBNW) located in Boone, Iowa. Subject to receipt of Federal funding and/or State funding, this project will include the following: 1. Replace Jet A and AVGAS Tanks and Cabinets This project has been developed from the Sponsor's Airport Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). A copy of each project CIP Data Sheet will be made available upon request. The services to be provided may include, but are not limited to, preliminary design, final design, bidding, construction observation, and incidental special services such as geotechnical/subsurface investigations and topographic surveying. A qualification-based selection process conforming to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14E Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects will be utilized to select a consultant. Fee information will not be considered in the selection process and shall not be submitted with the Statement. Fees will be negotiated for projects as federal funds become available. The agreement(s) between the Sponsor and the selected consultant will be subject to all applicable Federal Rules and Regulations as identified in AC 150/5100-14E. Consultants will be rated by a selection committee according to the following selection criteria and the weight given to each: 1. Capability to perform all aspects of the projects (25%) - qualifications of prime firm (and subconsultants, if any). 2. Relevant experience of key personnel from prime firm (and subconsultants, if any) and role;20% 3. Knowledge of FAA standards, policies, and procedures (5%); 4. Recent experience with comparable projects at similarly sized airports (15%); and 5. Understanding of the project's potential challenges and Sponsor's concerns (35%). The Sponsor intends to select the most qualified firm directly from submittals but reserves the option to short list up to three (3) of the highest rated firms and perform phone, informal, and/or formal interviews. Statements must be concise and contain no more than twenty (20) pages of material (10 sheets of paper, double sided). This excludes the front and back covers, the two-page cover letter (1 sheet of paper, double sided), table of contents, section dividers, and resumes. Consultants must submit five (5) hard copies of their Statement and a PDF of their Statement (submitted via email) to the following person. The Sponsor reserves the right to reject any and/or all Statements. Submittals will become property of the Sponsor. Please make the email subject line: "Airport Statement of Qualifications" and request delivery/read receipts to confirm it was received on time. All questions must be submitted via email to the above contact by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 (ten (10) days before submittal deadline). Answers will be sent via reply email no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 27, 2023. For more information, please contact Mr. Pundzak at (515) 577-1744 or by email: The method of contractor has not determined at this time


Transportation Terminals

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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May 3, 2024


424 S Boone St, Boone, IA

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