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Published October 10, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Plymouth Housing Authority invites qualified bids for services to perform housing inspections for the Plymouth Housing Authority's Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, in accordance with regulations set forth by the Department of Housing & Urban Development. Inspections are not limited to the town of Plymouth. These inspections are intended to determine compliance with HUD's Housing Quality Standards (HQS), National Standards for Physical Inspection Real Estate (NSPIRE)and the Massachusetts State Sanitary Code (MSSC)Article II, the standards of which are derived from pertinent state laws and regulations. The successful bidder will inspect units requested by the Authority and will render a written report as to the conditions and/or defects noted, and the repairs necessary to bring the unit into compliance. Reports shall include any unsanitary conditions found in a unit. The successful bidder shall determine who is responsible, Landlord or Tenant, for the condition and/or defects or repairs necessary to bring the unit into compliance. The successful bidder shall attend any HQS and NSPIRE programs and other related inspection training programs, to provide assurance to the Authority that all inspections are made and approved in accordance with HUD's HQS, NSPIRE and the MSSC. The successful bidder shall be an independent contractor and an independent agent of the authority and shall not be deemed an employee for any purpose whatsoever, including withholding taxes, unemployment or workers’ compensation, health insurance, retirement, or vacation or sick time. Bidders responsibilities Scheduling and inspecting units to determine compliance. • Scheduling and re-inspection of unit to ascertain proper repairs. • Available for all discussion and conversations with landlords, tenants, and the Authority in connection with said inspections. • Annual Re-inspections must be conducted 10 days prior to the Anniversary date of the last inspection. • Holding copies of failed units at their office until the Landlord notifies the inspector that the unit is ready for reinspection. • Performing Initial and Special inspections within 5-7 working days of request, unless there is a life-threatening situation, in which case the inspection shall be within 24 hours. Evaluation of Bid Resume and references will be required. The deadline for proposals is October 26, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. Submittal must be marked "RFP for Inspection Services". Equal Opportunity Employer RFP-Inspection Services 4 • Bonus points will be given to those organizations or bidders who are performing with other public agencies, whose principal owner or staff evidence training and certification in the field, have experience in housing management and have trained staff. The Plymouth Housing Authority seeks a uniform, consistent, thorough, and streamlined inspection process. Bids will be evaluated based on the organizational experience, performance with public agencies or similar related activities, administrative capability, familiarity with pertinent laws and regulations, record of innovations and creativity, commitment to affirmative action, commitment to businesses owned by minorities, women and disabled persons and commitment to cost containment as evidenced by experience and by the bid. • Individuals and organizations must carry general and personal liability insurance, auto insurance and possess a valid driver's license. • Shall provide all forms s and letters needed for inspections, along with all postage, mileage, or other related expenses. • Attend hearings as deemed necessary. • Perform rent reasonable tests on a unit-by-unit basis. • Establish a database of contract rent by town, and bedroom size. • Invoice the Authority on a regular monthly basis, provide copies of inspection reports, and itemize the units inspected and the dates of the inspections. • Notify landlords of repairs needed and tracking of all “Failed” units for determination of rent abatement. Informing PHA of this information monthly. *Project information, including timeline and contacts, has been obtained through public sources. The content management team continues to pursue additional details; however, the contact(s) listed have yet to disclose or confirm any information. Inquiries should be directed to the contact(s) listed.


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October 26, 2024


Multiple Locations, Plymouth, MA

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