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Published December 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Window Rock, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for paving for a playground / park / athletic field; road / highway; road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.
Navajo Zoo Program expects the selected firm to be able to complete all aspects of this contract to resurface existing parking lots, replacement of one culvert, and creating a solid, clean asphalt surface over an existing limestone gravel road. The selected firm will provide all personnel, materials, machinery, and other equipment will need to be provided by the contractor for the asphalt surfacing. This Navajo Zoo Program is seeking a qualified contractor to complete multiple aspects of a road/parking lot paving improvement project for Tse Bonito Park, Window Rock AZ. Tse Bonito Park is located in Window Rock Arizona and is the home to the Navajo Nation offices of Parks and Recreation Department, Museum, and the Zoo. This park was had been developed beginning in the 1960s and continues today. Most of the roads and parking lots are in need of resurfacing with asphalt and a 632 ft. section of road that is composed of compacted limestone gravel also needs an asphalt surface. Prior to the pandemic, the Zoo received over 50,000 visitors annually, and is now back near that number. The park also serves as daily-use offices for each of these three Navajo Nation offices. The Zoo and Museum also typically received visitation by school field trips, most of which come in April and May. Prospective offerors written questions deadline: October 31, 2023 Prospective respondents shall submit written questions concerning this RFP to obtain clarification of requirements to David Mikesic, Zoologist, Navajo Zoo Program at (928) 871-6573 and/or by email to: The selected contractor shall provide the following services and personnel to: o Complete an assessment of the area(s) of parking lots, roads, or culvert that may need additional time to replace. o Offeror must have the materials, equipment, and labor for the removal and replacement of 50' culvert with larger diameter, and preferably 'pipe arch' shaped, along with installing rip rap immediately upstream of culvert. o Offeror must have the materials, equipment, and labor to perform asphalt resurfacing to a smooth even surface over the Park Entrance Road, Parks & Recreation Parking Lot and Museum Parking Lot, Entry Road and Rear Entrance. o Offeror must have road grading service for existing limestone gravel road to provide suitable sub-surface for asphalt paving; o Provide materials, equipment, and labor to provide a new asphalt layer over the gravel Navajo Zoo entry road and P&R Turn-out to provide smooth road surface; o Contractor will be responsible to remove all old material removed during construction; o Offeror must be able to demonstrate ability to successfully plan and execute asphalt road surfacing with competency; all asphalt must comply with Navajo Division of Transportation standards for product and application; and offerors must provide list of at least two recent projects with a contact reference for each; o Offeror must be able to meet all Navajo Nation requirements to enter a contract to complete this project prior to fall 2024. Please note: the Navajo Nation is not bound to enter a contract under the RFP and may issue a subsequent RFP for the same services; and the Navajo Nation is a sovereign government and all contracts entered into as a result for the RFP shall comply with the Navajo Nation law, rules and regulations, including the Navajo Preference in Employment Act, and applicable federal law, rules and regulations. Navajo Zoo Program expects the selected firm to be able to complete all aspects of this contract to resurface existing parking lots, replacement of one culvert, and creating a solid, clean asphalt surface over an existing limestone gravel road. The selected firm will provide all personnel, materials, machinery, and other equipment will need to be provided by the contractor for the asphalt surfacing. A. REPLACING 50' CULVERT & INSTALLING RIP RAP The main entrance road to the Tse Bonito Park Complex has one main culvert near the cattle guard that has been a major problem area. This culvert is slightly undersized at 18" round and is quick to fill with sand and become unusable for water delivery. The culvert spans the width of the entry road and is topped with asphalt. The contractor will be responsible for replacing this culvert with a larger sized (preferably 4') and shaped to fit the drainage area (preferably 'Pipe Arch" or similar shape) with a lower profile than round. The existing culvert is 50' long and the replacement will be at least that length. Most importantly, an appropriate-sized area upstream of the culvert will need a rip rap structure installed to prevent clogging during high water events. The design of the rip rap structure will need to be appropriate for the loose sand and low-vegetation conditions that exist upstream of the culvert, and will need to be approved by the project sponsor prior to installation. This section of road will then be prepared and resurfaced with asphalt as described below. The culvert and rip rap areas are in purple in Fig.1. B. RESURFACING OF ASPHALT OF THREE AREAS Due to the age and overall condition of existing parking lots and the main entrance road, they are in need resurfacing with a fresh layer of asphalt. The contractor will be responsible to provide asphalt milling services by removing the lop layer of asphalt, repair the pavement underneath, and application of new asphalt layer. The asphalt application must comply with Navajo Division of Transportation standards for product and application. These areas are as follows: B.1. Park Entrance Road to P&R Parking Lot - this section of road has an aging asphalt surface that measures 100' x 31' (3,100 sq.ft.). This section is begins at the cattle guard at the turnoff from Postal Loop Road and ends at the limestone-covered section described below in 3.a. This section of road has the 50' culvert running underneath that needs replaced as described above in section 1. This area is outlined in light yellow color in Fig.1. B.2. Parks and Recreation (P&R) Parking Lot - this parking lot extends north from the Park Entrance Road and is currently has an aging asphalt surface. The parking lot measures approximately 106' x 118' (12,508 sq.ft.). In addition to creating a smooth asphalt surface over this parking lot, the contractor will be responsible to: 1) add fill dirt throughout this parking lot to raise to road-surface level (approximately 6 inches), and 2) create a smooth transition of asphalt from the Entrance Road to this Parking Lot. This area is outlined in reddish-salmon color in Fig.1. B.3. Museum Parking Lot, Entrance Drive and Rear Entrance - these areas are currently covered with aging asphalt and comprise the largest area needing resurfaced with a fresh asphalt coating. The Entrance Drive runs south from the Park Entrance Road to the Museum Parking Lot and measures 75' x 41' (3,075 sq.ft.). The Rear Entrance runs south from the southwest corner of the parking lot to the rear entrance of the Museum and measures 225' x 20'. The contractor will also be responsible to resurface the Museum Parking Lot with asphalt, and it measures 235' x 311' (73,085 sq.ft.). These areas are outlined in green and light blue in Fig.1. C. ASPHALT SURFACING A STRETCH OF LIMESTONE GRAVEL ROAD The continuation of the Park Entrance Road from the P&R Parking Lot to the Navajo Zoo parking lot (Main Entry Road) currently has a compacted crushed limestone-gravel surface. This "Main Entry Road" is used by Zoo staff and all visitors to the Navajo Nation Zoo, including school buses and delivery trucks. This surface was provided and installed by Apache County District II Roads Program in June 2016. The surface has held up fairly well, and the contractor will be responsible to provide an asphalt surface to this section of road. Given the current condition of the road, The Zoo Program expects a small amount of surface preparation is needed prior to applying the asphalt surface. The contractor will need to assess the existing limestone road to determine the surface preparation needed, and to execute surface preparations prior to paving. This section of road measures approximately 632' x 26' (16,432 sq.ft.), and is outlined in bright yellow in Fig.1. Included in this asphalt surfacing is the turn-out to the Parks and Recreation yard. It is expected that the contractor will create a smooth transition from the road, and include the turn-out in the new asphalt surfacing. This turn-out is currently sand/gravel covered and measures approximately 50' x 40' (2,000 sq.ft.). This small area is outlined in white in Fig.1. D. ASPHALT SURFACING OF ZOO EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT AND ENTRY The Navajo Zoo is in the process of constructing a restroom facility in a section of the Employee Parking Lot on the west side of the main building. After restroom construction is completed in early spring of 2024, the contractor selected under this RFP will provide an asphalt surface in the remainder of the Zoo Employee parking lot, and its entry road. The parking lot is currently gravel and well compacted from years of use, but will likely require some surface preparations for leveling and grading prior to asphalt application. The entry road to parking area is in the same condition and will likely require some treatment. The contractor will be responsible to create a smooth transition of asphalt from the Main Entrance Road to this Employee Parking Lot/Entry Road. Zoo staff will provide the painted parking lines after the new sealcoat cures. The total surface area of the Zoo Employee Parking Lot is approximately 6,000 sq.ft., and the entry road is 1,620 sq.ft. This area is outlined in red in Fig.1.
Roads / Highways
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Paving, Site Work
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