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Site work for a water / sewer project in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Bidder shall provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to formally close the Hickory Grove Lagoon, located off Piney Green Road (SR 1406), behind Easy Street, east of Jacksonville in Onslow County. Bids must be recorded on the Bid Pricing Sheet (Exhibit 3). ONWASA s Standard Service Contract language is included in this RFB (Exhibit 4). 18 As time is of the essence in completing this project, after receiving a written Notice to Proceed from ONWASA, all work on the project shall be completed within One Hundred Eighty (180) consecutive calendar days. Any questions pertaining to the Scope of Work or the ONWASA Specifications should go to Jeff Lohr via email at Contractor represents and maintains that it has the necessary qualifications and expertise to assume the responsibilities and render the services described herein and has the requisite corporate authority and licenses required by law. ONWASA reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities, and to accept any bid which, in the opinion of ONWASA, appears to be in its best interest or to award this contract in part or total. Questions regarding the project may be emailed to Addendum(s) may be issued approximately one week prior to bid. Any additional work or repair identified during the 2023 Hickory Grove Closure Project shall be described and submitted to Jeffrey Lohr, P.E., Engineering Manager, via email at before performing the additional work. Awarded to : Parker Diversified Contracting, LLC, with a value of $31,987


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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October 18, 2023

November 17, 2023


140 Easy St, Jacksonville, NC

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