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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Somers Point, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 et seq. (New Jersey Pay to Play Law), the City of Somers Point, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey is seeking Requests for Qualifications for Professional Services to be provided to the City of Somers Point. By responding to this RFQ the Professional warrants that he or she has read the General Notice of Solicitation for Requests for Qualifications that has been published concurrently with this specific request and the he or she is aware of and agrees to any conditions described therein. All statements of qualifications for professional service contracts shall address at a minimum the following information: 1. Professional's basic qualifications for the position. 2. Identification of the person who will be primarily responsible for the required services and provide a description of the experience of the primary person with projects and issues similar to those that will be undertaken by the City of Somers Point. 3. Identification of persons who will serve as backup to the primary person. 4. Identification the business address of key staff that will be responsible for providing services under the contract. 5. Description of staffing. 6. Description of previous experience, specifically in the State of New Jersey. 7. Description of specific familiarity with the services required by the City of Somers Point. 8. Description of insurances and limits including Commercial General Liability Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Workers Compensation Insurance, and Professional Liability Insurance. (The successful candidate will provide an acceptable Certificate of Insurance and endorsement with specific language to be provided by the City, naming the City, its agents and representatives as additionally insured.) 9. A compensation proposal. 10. A list of references including the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons who can verify experience and record of success. The City of Somers Point and/or its appropriate board or commission will evaluate qualifications submitted for professional service contracts on the basis of the most advantageous, price and other factors considered. The evaluation will consider 1. Experience and reputation in the field. 2. Knowledge of the City of Somers Point and the subject matter to be addressed under the contract. 3. Conformance with any specific requirements of this RFQ. 4. Availability to accommodate any required meetings of the agency. 5. Compensation proposal. 6. Other factors if demonstrated to be in the best interest of the City of Somers Point. 7. Scope of Services Include but not limited to: Context and Scope of Work The City of Somers Point has made considerable progress over the last decade to mitigate flooding including instituting development ordinances, enhancing its CRS rating, securing FEMA funding to assist property owners to elevate their homes, constructing storm sewer infrastructure improvements, maintaining natural assets, and participating in regulatory initiatives. As such, the implementation of the Bayside Flood Mitigation Project is a component of this progress and the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Stormwater flooding in the study area is caused by local drainage issues and high groundwater levels which is common in the bayside area of Somers Point. Heavy precipitation produces flooding in this area. A drainage system is in place to remove surface water as quickly as possible and outfall into the Great Egg Harbor Bay. Flooding has become an increasing problem for the residents and businesses in this area. This flooding can cause property damage as well as create inaccessible and dangerous roadways. Motorists are often unaware of flooded roadways and can be susceptible to dangers created by slippery surfaces. The City of Somers Point has been subject to flooding on Bay Avenue from Route 52 to the municipal border to the north where the City of Linwood begins. The City has developed a varied approach to protect and maintain its infrastructure, natural areas, public safety, welfare, and property of its residents, and continues to improve annually with the implementation of improvements. As part of the continued pursuit of infrastructure protection and public safety, the City is requesting Project Scoping funding from FEMA to address the flooding issues on Bay Avenue and surrounding environs. Through this scoping study the City will explore the potential to elevate the bulkheads and develop living shorelines along Bay Avenue. Dredging will be considered to both address clogged outfall pipes and as a source of material for living shorelines. The need for pump stations in this area will also be explored. Specifically, the project scoping will achieve the following tasks that will lead to a FEMA application for project funding: Task 1a: Grant Agreement Execution Ensure that the FEMA Grant Agreement is review and fully executed in a timely manner. Task 1: Topographic Survey - Provide a topographic survey completed by a New Jersey Professional Land Surveyor along Bay Avenue from Route 52 to the City of Linwood municipal survey. The topographic survey shall include locating all existing roadway features, storm sewer pipe, inverts, drainage structures, gutter lines, bulkheads, and drainage boundary limits. Task 2: Televised Video Inspection - Complete a televised video inspection of the existing storm sewer system along Bay Avenue from the outfall to Shore Road and the drainage area. Provide one (1) copy of the inspection report in a written and electronic format. Task 3: Analyze Hydraulic Capacity - Analyze the existing hydraulic capacity of the storm sewer system along Bay Avenue from the outfall to Shore Road and compare the capacity to the 10, 25 and 50-year design storm. Task 4: Locate Pump Station - Identify potential locations and provide a preliminary design for stormwater pump stations including wet well capacity, pump sizes, generator, and construction feasibility. Task 5: Design Recommendations - Upon the completion of Tasks 2, 3 and 4 listed above, provide a final recommendation for improvements, conceptual design, and an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs, if applicable. The City will provide information and materials to detail outcomes and be prepared to submit a fill application for project funding. The engineering design will include, but not be limited to: o Cost estimate, limiting contingency cost to 5%. The cost estimate and any engineering document shall be signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer. o Document the level of protection and useful life o Conceptual engineering site plan o Verification that the design is an independent solution. At a minimum, the design shall include: a scour analysis, wave forces on a vertical wall, wave runup, and overtopping calculations, admissible overtopping calculations, and overturn moment calculations. o Documentation that the project is technically feasible and will be effective in reducing the risk by reducing or eliminating damage to property and/or loss of life in the project area. Include engineering design parameters and references to the following: preliminary schematic or engineering drawings/design; applicable building codes; engineering practices and/or best practices; level of protection (e.g., life safety, 100-yr flood protection with freeboard, etc.). Include pre-and post-project hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) data with water surface elevations for multiple recurrence intervals (RIs). A map of the sub-basin that is served by the project needs to be provided. o Verification that the project design will reduce risk to individuals and property from natural hazards. Identify the hazards that the project will address and the risks that will remain after project implementation. o Documentation regarding what alternatives were considered to address the risk and why was the proposed activity considered the best alternative. o Documentation to identify the means or the alternatives considered to eliminate or minimize impacts to floodplains (See the 8-step process found in 44 CFR Part 9.6.) to help FEMA evaluate the impact of the project. o Describe how the proposed project will be designed to anticipate future conditions including climate change. The "2020 New Jersey Scientific Report on Climate Change" will be used to guide the design and construction of this project. The Report is NJDEP' first scientific report on climate change and it identifies the best available science and existing data regarding the current and anticipated environmental effects of climate change globally, nationally, and regionally. The Report's findings include that by 2050, there is a 50% chance that sea-level rise will meet or exceed 1.4 feet. o Provide Annual Maintenance Costs along with a written justification. o Describe areas impacted by flooding that result in detours from County designated emergency access routes and municipal streets. o Describe areas where flooding in this area result in damage to water or sewer infrastructure. Task 6: Reimbursement/Closeout - Ensure that all required documentation is provided to NJOEM for review and grant closeout in a timely manner.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 16, 2024


Multiple Locations, Somers Point, NJ

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