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Published November 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Stevensville, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

PROJECT NO. QA-PC DREDGE A. The Contract Drawings and Specifications are intended to cover a complete project. It should be distinctly understood that failure to mention any work which would normally be required to complete the project shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform such work. The work to be done under this Contract includes, but is not limited to, furnishing all plant, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, management and labor necessary to perform all work in strict accordance with these Specifications and Contract Drawings. B. The work consists of the completion of mechanical and/or hydraulic dredging of Prices Creek, transport and proper placement of dredged material at the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center Beneficial Use Site, and grading, planting, and stabilization of the placement site. C. The work shall be done under contract to and the supervision of Queen Annes County Department of Parks herein referred to as the County. D. The work shall be complete in all its parts and ready for use in the time specified and in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. Any deviation shall be subject to the written approval of the County. E. The Contractor shall follow the requirements of all the permits issued for the proposed construction. F. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the project and construction site until accepted by the County. The work consists of the completion of mechanical dredging of Prices Creek Channel (6,200 L x 30-40 W, -4 Depth MLW, Est. 8,000 CY), transport by barge, straw bale containment construction and proper hydraulic placement of dredged material at the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center Dredged Material Placement (DMP) Site, and grading, planting, and stabilization of the thin layer placement site. The work is fully described and detailed in the Contract Documents. Refer to the Contract Documents for a complete description of the work. Project Award and all work will be contingent on funding and permit approvals. PRICES CREEK DREDGING PROJECT, for the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County, Maryland. This project is funded with State funds and private funds and all applicable Federal, State and County regulations apply. The dredge site is located at Prices Creek in Kent Island, Maryland. The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center Beneficial Use Site is located in Grasonville, Maryland. Prices Creek Dredging Project. Albert Mccullough @ Albert@sustainablescience.com Until 4 Pm on November 10th, 2023. All Rfi Responses Will Be Compiled and Sent Back to Bidders by No Later Than 4 Pm on November 13th, 2023. Bid Security is Required to Accompany All Bids in Excess of $100,000. The Bid Security Shall Be in the Amount of 5% of the Total Bid. Bid Security May Be in the Form of a Legally Executed Bid Bond in the State Of Maryland, on Aia Form A310, or in the Form of a Certified Check Issued to the Owner. The lowest responsible responsive Bidder shall within fourteen days of the issuance of the Notice of Award furnish Performance and Payment Bonds each in an amount equal to 100% of the Bid, to the office of the Engineer unless otherwise specified. Bids less than $100,000 require no bonding. Liquidated Damages - Provisions for Liquidated Damages Are Set Forth in the Agreement. Liquidated Damages: in the Event That the Work is Not Substantially Complete Within 120 Calendar Days From the Notice to Proceed or is Not Completed and Ready for Final Payment Not Later Than 15 Calendar Days Following the Date of Substantial Completion, the Owner Will Assess and Contractor Shall Pay Liquidated Damage in the Amount of $500.00 for Each Calendar Day Until Substantial Completion Or Final Completion Whichever the Case May Be. Request for information (RFI) shall be e-mailed to Mr. Albert McCullough @ albert@sustainablescience.com until 4 PM on November 10th, 2023. All RFI responses will be compiled and sent back to bidders by no later than 4 PM on November 13th, 2023. Description The Contract Drawings and Specifications are intended to cover a complete project. It should be distinctly understood that failure to mention any work which would normally be required to complete the project shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform such work. The work to be done under this Contract includes, but is not limited to, furnishing all plant, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, management and labor necessary to perform all work in strict accordance with these Specifications and Contract Drawings. The Contractor shall follow the requirements of all the permits issued for the proposed construction. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the project and construction site until accepted by the County. Project Site The dredge site is located at Prices Creek in Queen Annes Colony, Stevensville, Maryland. The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center Beneficial Use site is located in Grasonville, Maryland. All work performed in tidal waters shall be conducted by a Licensed Marine Contractor with the Marine Contractor's Licensing Board (MCLB) in accordance with Chapter 286 of the 2010 Laws of the State of Maryland. The Contractor, before submitting a proposal for this project, shall visit the construction sites and thoroughly familiarize himself with all existing conditions above and below ground. The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy and completeness of these Specifications and Contract Drawings regarding the nature and extent of all work described. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities and to reject any or all bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work




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November 27, 2023

December 27, 2023


Multiple Locations, Stevensville, MD

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