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Published October 10, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Weston, Florida. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The CITY is requesting bids from qualified firms to provide Solid Waste, Bulk Waste and Recycling Collection Services; Solid Waste and Bulk Waste Disposal Services; and Sale and/or Disposal of Recyclable Materials within the CITY. The work consists of providing solid waste, bulk waste and recycling collection; solid waste and bulk waste disposal services; and the sale and/or disposal of recyclable materials services, for residential curbside, residential containerized, and commercial properties. BIDDERS are advised that the CITY has NOT authorized the use of CITY's seal by individuals or entities responding to the CITY's RFP, and that any such use by unauthorized persons or entities constitutes a second-degree misdemeanor pursuant to Section 165.043, Florida Statutes. EXPERIENCE Bids will only be considered firms that are regularly engaged in the solid waste and recycling collection business with the ability to lawfully dispose of and/or sell collected items. Bidders shall provide the necessary documentation to demonstrate that they meet the following qualifications: Bidders shall have a minimum of five years continuous experience within the past 7 years in collecting residential curbside and containerized collection of Solid Waste, Bulk Waste and Recyclable Materials, and Commercial containerized collection of Solid Waste and Bulk Waste for at least one municipality with at least 18,700 single family dwelling units, 56,000 cubic yards of solid waste collected from multi-family property and 147,000 cubic yards of solid waste collected from commercial property. Any questions concerning this solicitation shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Procurement, Martha Perez-Garviso at mperezgarviso@westonfl.org, with "Bid No. 2023-09, Solid Waste, Bulk Waste and Recycling Collection Services; Solid Waste and Bulk Waste Disposal Services; and Sale and/or Disposal of Recyclable Materials" in the subject line, at least five business days prior to submittal deadline. CONE OF SILENCE A cone of silence is imposed upon publication of this Notice to Bidders. The cone of silence prohibits communications with the following individuals pertaining to this Bid: Margaret Brown, Mayor Mary Molina-Macfie, Commissioner Byron L. Jaffe, Commissioner Chris Eddy, Commissioner; and Henry Mead, Commissioner Cindy Tao, Director of Accounting, Selection Committee Member; Bryan Cahen, Director of Budget, Selection Committee Member; Kara Petty, Director of Parks, Selection Committee Member; Thaddeus Bielecki, Director of Landscaping, Alternate Selection Committee Member; and Any member of the Protest Committee, if and when established. The details of the CITY's Cone of Silence are set forth in Section 32.10 of the City Code. The Selection Committee shall convene at a publicly noticed meeting and review submissions, rank and evaluate the bids and provide a recommendation to the City Manager. RIGHTS RESERVED 1. The CITY (through the City Commission, City Manager, Selection Committee or Protest Committee) reserves the right to: A. Reject any or all bids; B. Waive any informality in a bids; C. Waive any deficiency or irregularity in the selection process; D. Accept or reject any or all qualifications statements in part or in whole; and E. Request additional information as appropriate. 2. The City Commission reserves the right to: A. Award all or a portion of the services set forth in the Bid as determined to be in the best interest of the CITY; and B. Reject any or all Bids if found by the City Commission not to be in the best interest of the CITY. C. Award an Agreement to one or more than one BIDDERS, make split or multiple awards as determined to be in the best interest of the CITY. D. In the event of a sole bid, reject the sole Bid. Bid security in the form of a bid bond acceptable to the CITY or a cashier's check made payable to the City of Weston in the amount of $100,000.00 shall be required and submitted with the bid.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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