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Published December 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Andersen Building Upgrades Site Directions: 504 Cedar St. St. Paul, MN 55101 Est. Value: $ 5,830,785.00 Est. Completion Date: Sept. 27, 2024 State Project Number 02AS0034 Andersen Building Upgrades A. The work will be done under one prime contract that includes: General, Mechanical, and Electrical construction. B. The following summary is a general guide to the scope of work. It should not be construed as a detailed list of work included in the contract. 1. Upgrade all existing light fixtures in the facility to LEDs, unless specifically noted otherwise. Upgrade work will include replacement of existing fluorescent fixtures with new LED fixtures, retrofitting existing fluorescent fixtures with new LED retrofit kits, or replacing existing fluorescent lamps with new LED Lamps. Refer to Drawings for additional requirements. 2. Upgrade existing controls to new Crestron Integrated Lighting control system. Provide new Crestron lighting control system, including but not limited to relay panels, switching panels, modules, sensors, power packs, wall switches, cabling, conduits, etc. as required. All system components shall be Crestron. New lighting control system shall be integrated into existing Honeywell EBI system at Capitol Complex.. 3. Remove existing lighting control system, including relay panels in electrical rooms, devices such as vacancy sensors, occupancy sensors, daylight sensors, wall sensors, wall switches, override switches, wiring, cabling, etc. from the facility. No existing lighting control component may be abandoned in place unless explicitly noted by Engineer/Architect. 4. General construction work such as gypsum board construction and repairs, acoustical ceiling panels and interior painting. 5. For all electrical construction work to be completed as part of this project, the ratio between a certified Electrician and an Electrician Apprentice shall be 1:1. The Prime Contractor and/or Subcontractor shall be fully responsible for ensuring that all Electrician and Apprentices working on this construction project will meet this requirement. The Prime Contractor and/or the Subcontractor shall be responsible for providing documentation to the Owner for review upon request, verbally or written. Plans and Specifications were prepared by Edi-Dolejs consulting Engineers, 1112 North 5th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55411. Contact: Pheng Chang. Phone: 612-343-5965. Email: pchang@edi-dolejs.com. This solicitation includes qualification requirements. Attachment C of the Response Form contains the qualification requirements for the solicitation. Qualification requirements include, but are not limited to: Responding company has completed as a Prime Contractor, not as a subcontractor, overseeing multiple trades or as a Prime Contractor performing electrical and carpentry, the work for at least 3 contracts which have achieved Substantial Completion since September 22, 2018 for construction of General Construction including carpentry, painting, and lighting upgrades and/or retrofits of existing lighting systems and controls. Each of these contracts MUST have had a construction value of $2,500,000.00 or greater. Project Manager and Job Superintendent responsible for this project EACH has had at least 5 years of experience with General Construction including carpentry, painting, and lighting upgrades and/or retrofits of existing lighting systems and controls, or similar in scope and value to this project. Each of these contracts must have had a construction value of $2,500,000.00 or greater. This Project has a 3% Targeted Group, Economically Disadvantaged, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (TG/ED/VO) subcontracting goal. The TG/ED/VO subcontracting goal will not be a consideration in determining the lowest responsible Prime Contractor. All questions should be submitted no later than October 26, 2023 @ 2:00 PM. The State is not obligated to answer questions submitted after the question due date and time. Soliciting Agent: State of Minnesota, Department of Administration, Craig Fernholz, craig.fernholz@state.mn.us.




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504 Cedar St, Saint Paul, MN

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