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Published December 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Buford, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Project Description There are three restrooms in the Operations Building at the FWHWRC building, including one ADA, one Women's restroom (including a locker room) and one Men's restroom (including a locker room). These restrooms need to be upgraded due to age and wear, including new flooring, wall tiles and repairs, stalls, lockers, etc Instructions on Submitting Questions Questions regarding bids should be directed to Brittany Bryant, Purchasing Associate II, at Brittany.Bryant@GwinnettCounty.com or by calling 770-822-7759, no later than 3:00 P.M. on November 03, 2023. Bids are legal and binding upon the bidder when submitted. All bids should be submitted in duplicate Bonding and Insurance All contractors must submit with bid, a bid bond, certified check or cashier's check in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid. Failure to submit a bid bond with the proper rating will result in the bid being deemed non-responsive. Successful contractor will be required to meet insurance requirements, submit a one hundred percent (100%) performance bond and a one hundred percent (100%) payment bond. Insurance and Bonding Company should be licensed to do business by the Georgia Secretary of State, authorized to do business in Georgia by The Georgia Insurance Department, listed in the Department of Treasury's Publication of Companies holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Surety on Federal Bonds and as acceptable reinsuring companies. The bid bond, payment bond, and performance bond must have an A.M. Best rating of A-V or higher. The scope of work outlined in this Renovation of the Operations Building Bathroom at F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center includes the following tasks to be completed. Client No.: F1192-05 The scope of work outlined in this Renovation of the Operations Building Bathroom at F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center includes the following tasks to be completed. Elevations should be referenced for restroom accessory locations. One key requirement is that a temporary trailer with men's and women's restrooms, including access to a shower in both restrooms, must be provided for the duration of the construction. All selections must be submitted for approval by Engineer and Owner following award. All details are laid out in the drawings included as Attachment A. Task 1: Replace Wall and Floor Tile o Demo wall and floor tile o Patch and repair existing floor and wall after demo to receive new title o Paint required for repairs is specified in the Finish Legend in Attachment A o Install new tile o New tile type, color, and manufacturer for the wall and floor are specified in the Finish Legend in Attachment A. If any like substitutions are needed, they should be approved by the Engineer prior to purchase o Install handles in shower stalls Task 2: Replace Sink and Counters o Demo trough sink o Demo combination paper towel and waste receptable o Install undermounted ADA compliant porcelain sink bowl with ADA compliant insulated P-trap wrap, as seen in Attachment A o Paper towel dispensers should be installed on the walls in between the sinks, and the waste receptacles should be installed beneath the sink and counter o Automatic soap dispensers should be installed on the counters Task 3: Replace Toilet Partitions o Demo toilet partitions o Remove toilet accessories for re-installation o Patch and repair existing partitions to receive new finishes. Reference finish plan and elevations for finishes and their locations o Toilet partition selection is included in following link, which will also be included in Attachment B or approved equivalent. o Reinstall toilet accessories Task 4: Replace Lockers o Remove existing lockers o Replace lockers with ASI storage solutions or approved equivalent, traditional plus, triple tier lockers in the men's locker room and double tier in women's locker room. The Plant staff has requested that the same number of lockers be installed that are currently in each restroom o Color to be selected by Owner from ASI standard powder coat paint offering as listed in the following link: https://asistorage.com/products/traditionalcollection/ or approved equivalent Task 5: Replace Bench o Remove existing bench. o Bench shall be replaced in kind. Base color and bench top TBD from Manufacturer's full standard finish offering Task 6: Replace Lighting o Replace lighting in the restrooms and locker rooms

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Water / Sewer


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1500 One Water Way, Buford, GA

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