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Renovation of a medical facility in Lafayette, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

The work of this project shall consist of but is not limited to the contractor supplying the labor, equipment, superintendence, materials, etc. for renovation of the building's exterior, primarily involving the repair of the exterior stucco finish in various degrees. Metal coping shall be removed and reinstalled as required for plaster work. Existing hollow metal doors will be repainted, while the existing storefront doors will be replaced. Existing exterior 2x2 ceilings and grids will be removed and replaced along with other work indicated in the contract documents. An add alternate for the removal and renovation of the existing canopies is also included. All work shall be completed within One Hundred (100) calendar days from issuance of Notice to Proceed Bidders submitting bids electronically are required to provide the same documents as bidders submitting through the mail as soon as available. Only a bid bond, certified check or cashier's check shall be submitted as the bid security. Electronic copies of both the front and back of the check or bid bond shall be included with the electronic bid. Electronic bids may be submitted online at the owner's identified web site noted above. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond payable to the Lafayette Consolidated Government, the amount of which shall be five percent (5%) of the base bid plus additive alternates The Lafayette Consolidated Government strongly encourages the participation of DBEs (Disadvantaged Business Enterprises) in all contracts or procurements let by the Lafayette Consolidated Government for goods and services and labor and material. To that end, all bidders and suppliers are encouraged to utilize DBEs business enterprises in the purchase or sub-contracting of materials, supplies, services and labor and material in which disadvantaged businesses are available. The Lafayette Consolidated Government reserves the right to reject any and all bids




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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220 W Willow St, Lafayette, LA

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