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Published December 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Northville, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Reference Number 0000332681 The Northville Public School District's Board of Education is accepting bids to provide roofing replacement at Amerman Elementary School, Northville High School, and Fogg Operations Center General Requirements - Bid Deposit Required Bonding Requirements - Bid Bond 5 % ADMINISTRATION FOGG ST: 15045 FOGG ST. PLYMOUTH, MI. 48170 AMERMAN ELEMENTARY: 847 N. CENTER ST. NORTHVILLE, MI. 48167 NORTHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL: 45700 SIX MILE RD. NORTHVILLE, MI. 48168 A. Provide the administration, facilities, materials, equipment, labor, services, and expertise necessary to integrate the Work into the total building system so that no leakage into the roof system or building occurs. B. Roof System Description 1. Administration Fogg St- Areas A and B as indicated on Drawings. (1) Remove and dispose of the existing base flashings, sheet metal flashing, and associated penetration flashings. Leave existing insulation in place. (2) Area A: Back out and remove membrane fasteners. Cut the existing EPDM membrane into manageable pieces and properly dispose of the membrane. (3) Area B: Cut 2-inch wide strips from existing EPDM membrane in a 10-foot by 10-foot grid pattern. (4) Remove areas of wet and damaged insulation found down to the structural deck. Replace wet insulation with new insulation to match existing (Unit Cost); (5) At a location where insulation is removed, inspect the existing deck: Replace deteriorated decking with new to match existing (Unit Cost); (6) Provide required wood blocking where indicated on the project drawings (7) Provide (1) one layer of 2.6.-inches thick polyisocyanurate roof insulation, mechanically fastened (8) Provide (1) one layer 0.5-inch thick manufacturer's approved gypsum cover board, in low-rise foam adhesive. (9) Provide single-ply 60 mil EPDM roof system fully adhered, sheet metal components, and accessories. (10) Flash all penetrations per NRCA and/or manufacturer's recommended procedures, and as indicated on drawings. (11) Upon completion of work, provide the roofing manufacturer's 20-year warranty and contractor's 5-year guarantee. 2. Amerman School as indicated on Drawings. a. Area C: Prepare existing roof area(s) and provide new roof system (insulation, membrane, flashings): (1) Remove and dispose of the existing base flashings, sheet metal flashing, and associated penetration flashings. Leave existing insulation in place. (2) Cut 2-inch wide strips from existing EPDM Membrane in a 10-foot by 10-foot grid pattern. Leave existing membrane and insulation in place. (3) Remove areas of wet and damaged insulation found down to the structural deck. Replace wet insulation with new insulation to match existing (Unit Cost); (4) Remove abandoned penetrations as indicated on drawings. (5) At existing roof drains, remove and discard an 8-foot by 8-foot area of insulation to allow for the installation of a tapered sump. (6) Provide required wood blocking where indicated on the project drawings (7) Provide (1) one layer of 2.0-inch thick polyisocyanurate roof insulation, mechanically fastened. (8) Provide (1) one layer 0.5-inch thick manufacturer's approved gypsum cover board, in low-rise foam adhesive. (9) Provide single-ply 60 mil EPDM roof system fully adhered, sheet metal components, and accessories. (10) Flash all penetrations per NRCA and/or manufacturer's recommended procedures, and as indicated on drawings. (11) Upon completion of work, provide the roofing manufacturer's 20-year warranty and contractor's 5-year guarantee. b. Areas B and D: Prepare existing roof area(s) and provide new roof system (insulation, membrane, flashings): (1) Remove and dispose of the existing membrane(s) base flashings, sheet metal flashing, insulation, and associated penetration flashings. (2) Provide required wood blocking where indicated on the project drawings (3) Provide (2) two layers of 2.6-inch thick polyisocyanurate roof insulation, mechanically fastened. (4) Provide (1) one layer 0.5-inch thick manufacturer's approved gypsum cover board, in low-rise foam adhesive. (5) Provide single-ply 60 mil EPDM roof system fully adhered, sheet metal components, and accessories. (6) Flash all penetrations per NRCA and/or manufacturer's recommended procedures, and as indicated on drawings. (7) Upon completion of work, provide the roofing manufacturer's 20-year warranty and contractors 5-year guarantee. 3. Northville High School as indicated on Drawings. a. Areas C, C-1 and E: Prepare existing roof area(s) and provide new roof system (insulation, membrane, flashings): (1) Remove and dispose of the existing membrane(s) base flashings, sheet metal flashing, and associated penetration flashings. Leave existing insulation in place. (2) Remove areas of wet and damaged insulation found down to the structural deck. Replace wet insulation with new insulation to match existing (Unit Cost); (3) At existing roof drains, remove and discard an 8-foot by 8-foot area of insulation to allow for the installation of a tapered sump. (4) Provide required wood blocking where indicated on the project drawings (5) Areas C, E:Provide (1) one layer of 1.5-inch thick polyisocyanurate roof insulation, mechanically fastened. (6) Provide (1) one layer 0.5-inch thick manufacturer's approved gypsum cover board, in low-rise foam adhesive. (7) Provide single-ply 60 mil EPDM roof system fully adhered, sheet metal components, and accessories. (8) Flash all penetrations per NRCA and/or manufacturer's recommended procedures, and as indicated on drawings. (9) Upon completion of work, provide the roofing manufacturer's 20-year warranty and contractors 5-year guarantee. b. Area D(X1): Prepare existing roof area(s) and provide new roof system (insulation, membrane, flashings): (1) Existing EPDM membrane, flashing and sheet metal to remain. Clean and prepare the existing EPDM membrane. Power wash and clean as required by the manufacturer. (2) Make necessary repairs to the existing EPDM membrane at a (Unit Cost); (3) Install primer as required by the coating manufacturer. (4) Follow the coating manufacturer's recommended coverage rates for a 20-year warranty. Grid out the roof to help with the installation of the required coverage rates. (5) Apply 50 wet mils film thickness of polyurethane base coating directly to the membrane substrate as specified in Section 07 0580. (6) Provide reinforcement fabric at all membrane field seams, and embed fabric in the base coating. (7) Provide reinforcement fabric at drains, edges, parapet walls, and roof curbs, and embed fabric in the base coating. (8) Allow the base coat to cure as required by the coating manufacturer. (9) Apply 30 wet mils film thickness of polyurethane top coating over cured base coating. (10) Upon completion of work, provide the roof coating manufacturer's 20-year warranty and contractor's 5-year guarantee. Amerman Elementary Areas B, C.D - Advanced Construction Group In - 131,950.00 Northvîle High School Areas C, C-1, D(X), E__ Bloom Roofing Systems - $412,619.00 Fogg Areas A and B Newton Crane Roofing, Inc -$288,000.00

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