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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Rochester, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Rochester, New Hampshire on behalf of the Historic District Commission and the Planning Department (hereafter referred to as the City) is seeking a qualified Professional Consultant (hereafter referred to as the Consultant) to submit their qualifications and a proposal to complete a Historic Building Conditions Assessment Report for the First United Methodist Church in Rochester. The report must be in conformance with the provisions of a NH Preservation Alliance Grant and future LCHIP grant application. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. contact City of Rochester, NH Purchasing Agent 31 Wakefield St. Rochester, NH 03867,, 603-335-7602. Note Q&A updates will end one week prior to bid opening. Scope of Work The City's plan is to apply for an LCHIP Historic Preservation Grant in the Spring of 2023. We have already discussed with LCHIP the eligibility requirement and feel confident that we meet it. In order to complete this grant as successfully as possible, we need to complete the Historic Building Assessment. Communication and collaboration between the Commission, the Church, the NH Preservation Alliance and the chosen consultant are expected throughout the term of the project. Activities will include one or more visits to inspect the building, a draft report, review and discussion of the draft by all parties, agreement about recommendations, and a revised final report. The Building Assessment Report must include current conditions, assessment information and recommendations for treatment, and contain photographs, drawings, maps and other supporting materials. It must explain how each recommended treatment will meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. In addition to providing appropriate rehabilitation or renovation strategies, the Assessment will also generally include costs estimates and outline a phased approach (if appropriate) for carrying out the recommended work. The report is intended to be the basis for carrying out a successful preservation project, and may be shared when applying for additional grants, seeking private gifts, or launching capital campaigns. After carrying out the assessment or other work covered under the agreed-upon scope, consultant(s) must send an electronic copy of their draft report to the Commission and the NH Preservation Alliance for review. The NH Preservation Alliance grant review committee will meet to discuss the draft report within three weeks. Their questions and recommended changes or edits will be communicated to the Commission and consultant(s). The Consultant is responsible for assuring that the final report reflects the review committee's comments and questions, and that the Preservation Alliance receives a final draft to review. The Preservation Alliance will review the final draft, and notifies applicant when final draft has been approved. Acknowledgment of the source of the grant must be cited in the Report utilizing the following language: "This report was funded, in part, by a grant from the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, which receives support for its grants program from the N.H. Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP)." ELECTRONIC BIDS: Due to Covid-19 the City of Rochester has incorporated an electronic bid process. If an electronic format is to be utilized specific submission instructions will be identified in the bid cover page. WITHDRAWAL OF BID PROPOSALS A bidder will be permitted to withdraw his proposal unopened after it has been deposited if such request is received in writing prior to the time specified for opening the proposals. PUBLIC OPENING OF BID PROPOSALS Proposals will be opened and read publicly at the time and place indicated in the invitation for bids. Bidders, their authorized agents, and other interested parties are invited to be present. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS Either of the following reasons may be considered as being sufficient for the disqualification of a bidder and the rejection of her/his bid proposal(s): 1. Evidence of collusion among bidders. 2. Failure to supply complete information as requested by the bid specifications. AWARD OF CONTRACT The City holds the right, in its judgment, to award the contract to the bidder, which it feels is in the best interest of the City. If a contract is to be awarded, the Contractor/Vendor selection shall be based in part on possession of the necessary experience, organization, technical and professional qualifications, skills and facilities, reference checks, project understanding, approach, ability to comply with proposed or required time to completion or performance, licensing or certification, in good standing with Federal, State and Local agencies, possession of satisfactory record of performance, cost and to a responsible and qualified bidder whose proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed as soon as practical after the bid opening. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of (60) sixty days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the City of Rochester. The successful bidder will be notified, by the form mailed to the address on his proposal, that his bid has been accepted and that he has been awarded the contract. CANCELLATION OF AWARD The City reserves the right to cancel the award of any contract at any time before the execution of such contract by all parties without any liability or other claim against the City. INSURANCE & LEGAL BUSINESS ENTITY Contractor and any related subcontractors will carry appropriate liability insurance, and be a legal business entity authorized to conduct business in the State of New Hampshire. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


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May 1, 2024


34 S Main St, Rochester, NH

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