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Published October 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kingston, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This is not a bid solicitation. This is an advance notice of a potential source list with anticipated security requirements to provide interested consultants an opportunity to begin the sponsorship request process for potentially obtaining the required security clearance(s) that are anticipated. Note that there is no guarantee that this source list will proceed or that any security clearance(s) will be granted under the sponsorship process in a timely fashion or otherwise. Defence Construction Canada (DCC) will be calling for abbreviated proposals from consulting firms to establish a Source List to provide "as and when required" professional services specific to Department of National Defence (DND) requirements for Ontario The Consultant will be required to provide "as and when required" existing building and new building commissioning services which may include but are not limited to: New Construction Commissioning Prepare owner's project requirements (OPR), prepare Commissioning Plan, observe and Test Building Systems, resolve issues, prepare training plans, etc. Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx)/Ongoing Commissioning Prepare Current Facility Requirements, investigations and associated reporting, diagnostic monitoring plan, functional testing plan, recommend energy saving EBCx measures, prepare, implementation verifications, calibrations, configurations, and maintenance checks, provide training, prepare a persistence plan, prepare program to maintain enhancements for remaining life of the facility, etc. The request for abbreviated proposals is anticipated to be advertised in fall 2023 on condition of approval. In order to be eligible for source list award, a consultant will be required to, among other things, actively hold all required security clearance(s) at the time of closing, as further detailed in the solicitation/tender documents. As of the date of posting of this Advance Procurement Notice, the required security clearance(s) are anticipated to be: for consultants or contractors: a valid and active DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION SCREENING (DOS) granted or approved by the Contract Security Program (CSP), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is providing consultants early access to the security clearance application process through sponsorship under its Industrial Security Program (ISP). Accordingly, consultants that are interested in submitting or participating in a proposal for this procurement that fall under this program and that do not actively hold the above identified security clearance(s) should begin the security clearance application process by applying through DCC's ISP. Under this program, DCC may provide preliminary assistance with the security clearance sponsorship process. In their sponsorship request application to DCC, consultants are asked to quote the following information, among other things: Contract number OR23SL02 or as referenced in the table above; and Level of clearance requested to be sponsored for. Upon receipt, DCC will review the sponsorship request application and will communicate directly with the consultant to complete a sponsorship request package. Once DCC has determined that the consultant has substantially completed the sponsorship request package, DCC will forward the package to the CSP, PWGSC on behalf of the consultant based on the following timelines: 30 calendar days prior to planned solicitation closing, for DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION SCREENING (DOS) Following receipt of the sponsorship request package, the CSP, PWGSC will communicate directly with the consultant regarding any further steps or actions to be undertaken or the status of the sponsorship request package processing. At such time, the consultant will need to cooperate with the CSP, PWGSC in a timely fashion to further the process. Any questions pertaining to the sponsoring process through the ISP can be addressed to: Telephone Number: (613) 998-8974; or Email address: ISP.Sponsorship@dcc-cdc.gc.ca Any questions relating to this Advance Procurement Notice can be addressed to: Mary Kennedy Team Leader, Contract Services Defence Construction Canada (705) 491-2734 Mary.Kennedy@dcc-cdc.gc.ca The estimated contract period will be 60 month(s). The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time




Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 7, 2024


Multiple Locations, Kingston, ON

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